Creamy Yellow Squash and Apple Curry Soup with Toasted Coconut
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2 Reviews
Blythe H.
July 25, 2014
This was great, and the coconut is the perfect touch. Simple, easy, beautiful, and delicious! The tartness of the granny smith apple was lovely, and it complimented the spicy curry very well.
The only thing is that it says it serves four, which seems way off. I made it for 8 people, and so doubled the recipe. Some of my guests even took seconds, but there was still plenty left over! Maybe it was because I served it with another dish, and thus wasn't the "main" course? Not sure, but I think doubling it was not necessary, that the original recipe should say that it serves 6-8 people.
The only thing is that it says it serves four, which seems way off. I made it for 8 people, and so doubled the recipe. Some of my guests even took seconds, but there was still plenty left over! Maybe it was because I served it with another dish, and thus wasn't the "main" course? Not sure, but I think doubling it was not necessary, that the original recipe should say that it serves 6-8 people.
August 5, 2010
This is a lovely soup. Thanks so much for sharing! Squash and garam masala or curry is one of my favorite personal combinations.
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