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Lemonade Ice Cubes
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10 Reviews
April 2, 2013
These look beautiful. I'm making these in June for some of our beach "cocktail of the day" drinks I will be making.
JoNan S.
August 3, 2011
Can you do the same with limes? i love limeaide - but does it give the same cooling attributes as lemons.
JoNan S.
August 3, 2011
Can you do the same with lime juice? Do you get the same cooling attributes?
June 23, 2011
They sound delightful! Is there a reason why you fill the cube half-way, freeze, and fill again? Can you just add all the lemonade at once?
Merrill S.
June 23, 2011
It helps to keep the berries in the center of the cubes -- if you pour in all the lemonade at once, they float to the top!
June 22, 2011
In my local supermarket they sell ice cubes with fruit with the cubes individually wrapped - for about $8. I love making my own
July 27, 2010
Beautiful! What a great summer use of berries. After trying out my basil ice cubes a few weeks ago, I have since found that the leaves get a bit slimy when the cubes melt.
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