Radish Herb Salad with Tarragon Vinaigrette Dressing
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19 Reviews
June 25, 2013
What a lovely woman, and how much you must miss her. Another wonderful story, Dr. B.
June 25, 2013
Oh how sad!
June 25, 2013
Thanks! Ordinarily I would add cheese or nuts (or both), but Frieda was a purist.
September 8, 2010
What a beautiful way to celebrate your love for Frieda and to share it with us. How lucky you both were to have each other for the length of time you did. Happy New Year to your family!
September 6, 2010
I couldn't have posted anything nicer than Liz already has. What a beautiful women, touching story and such a loss for you.
September 6, 2010
Isn't this what our cooking at home is all about, building or recalling memories of loved ones in our kitchens? I guess I should have done another comment but it seems to melt into yours, Wendy.
September 6, 2010
I love that you put the spot-light on your beloved Frieda! My mother-in-law is 97 and we just hold our breath every week...Your recipe is lovely, but it is the family love that comes through in your entry. Happy New Year, Frieda,and know that you have a loving daughter-in-law watching over the family's kitchen.
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