Multigrain Cereal Bread
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8 Reviews
November 20, 2010
I couldn't wait for this bread to cool down before trying it. It's really wonderful! Some small changes I made were to toast the cereal grains and the bread crumbs in a dry skillet on the stove until they were nice and fragrant and turned just a couple shades darker. And then soaked them both in 1/4 cup milk for about an hour. And I needed to add some water to the bread as it seemed a little dry when I was kneading it - not sure if I did something wrong. But it turned out just great!! We're having this for dinner with thirschfeld's Gatherer's Pie. Perfect for a rainy night.
September 16, 2010
Hey AntonioJames that is a gorgeous loaf of bread. I have another question. I love steel cut oats and grains but do you find that they are really crunchy when baked in bread? I stopped using them for a while because of this but then found another great technique and that is to remove the grains weight in water from the total amount of liquid. I bring it to a boil and then pour it over the oats/grains and then cover it with plastic wrap so it doesn't evaporate and then I let it sit overnight. If it is hot I add the salt the recipe calls for to the grain to keep it from sprouting. Then I add the grains to the dough when I make it the next day. They are very tender in the final loaf. I guess I should have clarified the bread crumb tip too, I soak them in the water used for the bread recipe as well. It adds great flavor to the bread without having to retard it in the fridge overnight. If you really want to push flavor you can toast the bread crumbs in a 200 degree oven until they are very dark, it takes several hours, but then you wind up with a very dark rye flavored bread, even pumpernickel notes.
September 16, 2010
Another gorgeous loaf of bread. The texture and shape look perfect. The addition of barley flour and cereal is nice. The note about adding crumbs to bread dough caught my eye, too. I made your Buttermilk Oatmeal Bread the other day, using stand mixer and baking it in a bread pan, and it was super.
September 16, 2010
I want to try this hot tip of thirschfeld's too! This looks great AJ!
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