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Roasted Cassava
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11 Reviews
January 2, 2011
Sagegreen Great recipe do you get fresh cassava in USA?
January 2, 2011
Thank you pauljoseph. You have to look, but yes, you can find fresh cassava in some markets. Our local Whole Foods carries it. I had forgotten all about it until I started reminiscing about my very good Brazilian friend.
January 1, 2011
Wow, sagegreen, you are on fire with your recipes this weekend!
January 1, 2011
Love your new image! Yes, I am cooking up a Brazilian storm today, while waiting for my soaking black beans! Happy New Year, hardlikearmour. Love your lentil recipes, too.
January 1, 2011
Here is the link to the recipe he recommended.
January 1, 2011
Yum! Love this, Sagegreen. Earlier in the fall, I received cassava in my CSA box as part of an "eat local" campaign here. I ended up making something recommended by pauljoseph that was delicious, but I'm saving this for the next time I have some in my box.
January 1, 2011
Thanks. I will have to look up pauljoseph's recipe. I bet it is delicious! For mine I used Ernest Hemingway types of spices.
January 1, 2011
I'm not sure the recipe is here on food52- he sent it in response to a foodpickle question. Also, I almost forgot, Happy New Year, Sagegreen!
January 1, 2011
Happy New Year to you, too! Thanks, I couldn't find the recipe, so that explains why. These came out really well. Love the textures.
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