Not Your Toddler's Carrot Croquette
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21 Reviews
Jamie L.
January 15, 2018
Any suggestions to helps these not fall apart quite so easily? They taste incredible!! My two year old loves them but it makes her crazy when they fall apart... Eggs?
May 15, 2011
We tried these tonight as our main dish, with fresh grape tomato halves, cilantro and the sauce. We did use seasoned panko...the croquettes couldn't be simpler, more beautiful, or satisfying. They are an addictive fusion of flavors and textures with a superb aroma. I wish I had a stack of them left over as I sneak by the empty plate in the kitchen, hoping to have to decide whether to take the LAST one. Someone else got to that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 15, 2011
This recipe was just yummy! I made a dill yogurt sauce for them..and served the croquettes with cilantro and grape tomatoes. Simple, easy, and healthy!
February 26, 2011
Sounds great. Very pretty. Can imagine lots of different dishes to serve this with.
February 26, 2011
Oh, wow. LOVE the sound of this. Making it tomorrow, to go with braised short ribs.
March 4, 2011
Made them for my gluten-intolerant daughter, who has just come home from the hospital with her first baby, my first grandchild. I can report that crushed Rice Krispies make a very acceptable sub for panko! She loved them.
February 26, 2011
I love this!! It sounds perfect for one of my vegetarian dinners!!
February 26, 2011
I had my doubts but they were quickly quashed when I read through your recipe! These will be great with tomorrow's roast chicken...
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