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Steve G.
July 28, 2017
I love your site but I find my self thinking "Ain't nobody got time for that." I'm not trying to be a hater. I even have a couple of grapefruit trees and lime trees in my yard. I understand the desire to stuff from scratch. But seriously simplify your lives. Here is a hack to accomplish the same end point. Tequila (recommend Hornitos plata or any silver) over ice. Add Fresca and a splash of orange liqueur. If you want add a lime wedge. Salt is not necessary. Huge calorie savings over a syrup. This is my go to drink when the temps are over 100 degrees.
May 13, 2015
This is my go-to drink. I love margaritas, but the Paloma takes the cake. I use San Pellegrino Pompelmo instead of monkeying around with making a grapefruit syrup and club soda. I'll use Jarritos if I can find the grapefruit flavor. I also sprinkle a pinch of salt right into the drink--sounds weird, but I swear by it.
September 22, 2017
Salt in cocktails isn't weird at all. Many bartenders use this little trick in a variety of drinks to heighten flavor, just like cooking.
May 13, 2015
why not make a simple syrup ahead of time, keep in fridge, and combine that w/the fresh grapefruit? I'd also like this with vodka
May 21, 2014
this has been my drink for years and I've tried it every way possible (including making my own grapefruit soda) nothing beats the classic squirt soda. If you want an amazing smokey vegetal taste, pair squirt w/Tapatio Blanco. Incredible!
May 12, 2014
Enjoyed these fab drinks this evening. I mean REALLY enjoyed. Follwed recipe exactly. Using two graprefruits, because I was having the gals over. I have never been a margarita fan, though I have enjoyed a good tequila shot with a beer long before I developed a particular fondness for bourbon. These are exquisite in their simplicity. I stocked up on tequila. I plan on a summer filled with palomas.
May 11, 2014
My variation: simple syrup infused with Meyer lemon instead of grapefruit, very junipery flavored gin instead of tequila, skip the salt rim ( not my thing, anyway). Excellent!!
May 1, 2014
...so what are the alternatives if you have a nasty allergy to grapefruit? I'm guessing it's not a Paloma without it, right?
Carmen P.
May 1, 2014
Use Squirt soda or any grapefruit flavored soda, since is just the flavor and not the natural juice might work, or any citrus flavor soda would work too, this are delish!!
May 1, 2014
This couldn't be better timed. We're having our annual heat wave in the SF Bay Area and this looks like it will hit the spot!
May 1, 2014
sounds delightful. but let's skip the Solo cups, yes? it's 2014 and there are many alternatives that are reusable (Kleen Kanteen, etc.) and make you look way more classy. :)
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