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August 24, 2010
I hate waste, so I really enjoy the last few days before a move or vacation (moves almost as frequent as vacations in our house...) foraging the fridge and pantry to make a meal so nothing goes bad...Im a DC native, so welcome! did you see this?
Washington looks tantalizing to New York's restaurateurs Good luck.
Washington looks tantalizing to New York's restaurateurs Good luck.
August 22, 2010
Jenny, we NYT readers in WLA will miss your coverage of the Left Coast! Luckily we will still have you on the national scene, and here in Food52.
August 17, 2010
Jenny, as a fellow expat, I also have many fond memories of sunny LA. You are very brave to pick up and move on. I hope you find many many things to fall in love with in DC too!
September 1, 2010
not so much brave as, people with mortgages have no free will. but i think DC and i will find ways to agree with one another!
August 16, 2010
I think there should be a recipe search engine into which you can plug only the ingredients you have on hand and it will serve up the recipes that comply. That would be most helpful for movers!
August 16, 2010
Jenny - what a surprise and thrill to log in and find my recipe was a part of such a poignant and bittersweet dinner. I'm glad my recipe worked for you and that it was adaptable to what you had left in your house. And I love your final paragraph which really says it all about life and expectations. My first child is leaving for college in just over a week, so this hits me at a time of change as well, and I appreciate reading your insights. Much luck with your move - it's not too bad here.
August 17, 2010
So happy that you could both provide the recipe and relate to the sentiments. Much XO for your big new life change.
August 16, 2010
I have moved a few times in my life, always happily anticipating change and excitement and I can not remember ever being disappointed . And, I have always been able to look back at my previous environment with happy memories and nostalgia. I hope that your move brings fun , anticipation and and the excitement of a journey. I hope that you can look back at your time in California and recall happy times!
August 16, 2010
Like Rivera, you're one helluva closer. LA's loss is DC's gain. Thanks, Jenny! Safe travels - can't wait to read the next chapter. And thank you, food52, for posting Jenny's column on Monday - starts the week out right.
August 16, 2010
We can savor your introspections. If you are on the verge of a move, good luck with the first meal in your new place! I appreciate your perspective. Btw when I put something in the freezer, more often than not, it enters more a state of purgatory or maybe a kind of stay of execution before eventual curbside pick-up.
August 16, 2010
Like you, I occasionally get these bursts of energy where I put in a bunch of things in the freezer, thinking, now I will be one of those efficient women who can always whip up something tempting and complex (as in, not pasta with butter and hopefully garlic)--a real meal which will meet with praise and be so easy. And then I never get around to defrosting anything and keep putting off doing anything until I get another burst of energy and decide I'm going to be one of those women who is very tidy and spare and smugly clean it all out of the fridge.
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