Over at Provisions, we're all about collections of beautiful, useful products to help make the most of good food -- and we don't want you to miss out on the fun.
Today: Reviving the sweetest part of the 1950s, one egg cream at a time.

Each of our Provisions collections is inspired by something we’re excited about: an ingredient, or a technique, or a color. Today’s inspiration is the retro soda shop -- a cultural phenomenon we largely missed out on as children of the 70s and beyond, but one we would happily welcome back. Food trends come and go, but we believe that milkshakes, egg creams, sundaes, and ice cream floats will forever be in style.

Start with these recipes that we've recreated over the years. Then, once you select a dessert to make, get the right equipment -- nothing too fancy, just syrups and siphons for homemade soda. We like the iSi siphon, a free-standing canister that takes up little room and instantly carbonates water and other drinks.

Read up on your choice before you start: our favorite book comes from Brooklyn Farmacy, a modern soda fountain in New York that serves one of the best egg creams we’ve ever had. It's part cookbook, part history lesson, and a wholly enjoyable read.
So get out the ice cream scoop and the long-stemmed dessert spoons -- let's turn your kitchen into a soda shop.
Tell us, what's your favorite soda fountain dessert?
Photos by James Ransom
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