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Mrs B.
January 23, 2016
Bringing home hotel toiletries to put out for your guests? Are you kidding?
Furthermore, the self-promotion by this author and, increasingly, the contributors of so much of the content on Food52 is in such poor taste.
Furthermore, the self-promotion by this author and, increasingly, the contributors of so much of the content on Food52 is in such poor taste.
Christine W.
December 26, 2015
Great ideas. Thank you for the tips. It makes me want to put more effort into hosting guests. Can't wait to try your ideas out
December 25, 2015
Can you do a post on your kitchen? I love the wood, tiles, and counter. Is the wood salvaged? Where'd ya source those tiles!? Is the counter concrete?
Miles L.
December 21, 2015
I think this whole presentation looks beautiful and stylish, but in the end, more 'fussy' and 'façade' than 'true feeling' or 'fact'. It's like showing off how great you are, rather than about making your guests feel comfortable. With everything so fussily presented, I'd feel hesitant – as a guest – to disturb any of it! But I can't argue with the beauty and presentation.
krista B.
December 20, 2015
The matchstick jar is made by JenPearsonDesigns on Etsy. It's so cute but I have trouble actually lighting the marches from the bottom as it is intended.
Chuck B.
December 20, 2015
Everything about this screams out to me "fussy pretentiousness", but goddamit, I love your style. Very tasteful
December 20, 2015
Yeah this is kind of wealth porn to me... If I was a Jewish princess I would be able to entertain guests like that too.
December 20, 2015
Rich or poor, doing something a little extra for guests is the way to make someone feel welcome and special.
December 21, 2015
Andy, maybe you are a snarky, anti-Semitic prince who sounds like nothing would make you a good or entertaining host!
December 21, 2015
I'm half Jewish. But something about this story (I realize it's a sponsored post too...) and featuring a wealthy person who has a second home in the Hamptons rubbed me the wrong way. The style was a little cutesy, precious and unrelatable to me. When guests come to my 1 bedroom apartment in Brooklyn . I give up my bedroom and sleep on an air mattress in the living room.
December 20, 2015
While I love her style, it seems kind of selfish to have a ~second~ home, while some humans have none at all...
December 21, 2015
Yes agree and I was castigated by commenters on this site for mentioning that lol.
Shari G.
January 4, 2016
Envy and jealousy are not admirable traits. Why not just be happy for others who have more than you. I'm sure that you have more than others. It is all relative, but the nice thing about America is that life is what we make of it.
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