On Black & Highly Flavored, co-hosts Derek Kirk and Tamara Celeste shine a light on the need-to-know movers and shakers of our food & beverage industry.
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Mike M.
April 13, 2016
You do realize that you can add alcohol to tap water right?
Leslie S.
April 13, 2016
Hi Mike, these are flavored, sparkling, fermented drinks—similar to how beer is essentially water flavored with hops and made sparkling by fermented sugars, so while it's definitely possible to have a vodka and water, it wouldn't taste quite the same as these.
Mike M.
April 13, 2016
My point was there is no fundamental difference to tap water and purified or spring water, so paying more is ridiculous, unless the water could be contaminated. I find the whole concept of this drink preposterous and simply a way to part fools with their money.
Mike M.
April 13, 2016
Oh and this thread was meant to be a reply to John Doe on my other thread but I can't find a way to edit or delete posts here, at least on my phone.
Mike M.
April 14, 2016
This is flavoured recycled dinosaur piss and you are expected to pay a premium price. If you want to pay that for it go ahead as fools are easily parted with their money.
LeBec F.
April 13, 2016
I think I must be weird or something because spiking sparkling water with alcohol makes no sense to me. I see the market growing for FLAVORED sparkling water, and that does make sense to me. Since the 52 OP must have tasted these, tell us what it was like? Did you taste alcohol or feel a buzz with any of them?
Mike M.
April 12, 2016
Yet another way to part fools from their money. The only reason to buy bottled water is if the local tap water is contaminated or tastes foul. I suspect in the venues where these products are sold that will not be the case, so why pay more for recycled dinosaur piss?
Mike M.
April 14, 2016
Yes. Do you guys realize you are being ripped off by buying recycled dinosaur piss whatever flavour is added? They use purified water in the ingredients. How is that different to tap water? The list of benefits they cite is hilarious. There is nothing special about this drink. It is simply another way to overcharge for water.
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