
Be a Recipe Tester for Our Best Recipe When You Want It to Feel Like Fall Contest!

September 23, 2016

It's that time again—time to help us pick the contest finalists for Your Best Recipe When You Want It to Feel Like Fall!

Never tested a recipe for us? Any Food52 member can help us test our Community Pick candidates. All you have to do is take a peek at the candidates listed below and call dibs on the recipe you'd like to test! We accept up to 3 testers per recipe. And, if the recipe ends up being a Community Pick, we'll publish the best headnote, so make your notes count! Don't forget to email us your notes (no more than 100 words) to [email protected] by next Tuesday, September 27th, at 6 P.M. (EST).

Photo by Mark Weinberg

Here's how to call dibs on a recipe:

When you've figured out which recipes are calling your name, sign up by following the link to that recipe's page. There, just above the comments, you'll see a "Test This Recipe" button. Click the button, and you’ll receive a confirmation email that officially crowns you a Food52 community tester. If for some reason you decide you cannot test, simply press the button again, and your name will be removed from the list. Act fast—this button will disappear on the Tuesday before your testing notes are due.

Tips for testing:

When you test, we encourage you to consider (and write about!) your experience testing the recipe—every step of the way. Did you think it needed more salt? Was the cake a little dry? Think the oven temp should have been a bit higher? Please tell us! Constructive criticism is always encouraged. And as a reminder, please test the recipe exactly as it is written. (You can riff on it later if you like it, but for these purposes, the more authentic the experience and the more honest the feedback, the better.)

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We'll use those comments (and our own testing here at the Food52 office) to help us choose the official finalists and Community Picks—and we'll publish the best headnote from a tester for each Community Pick (with credit, of course!). If the recipe you test isn't chosen as a Community Pick, please feel free to leave your testing notes in the recipe's comments section.

Want to know more about how contests work? Head here!

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