
How We're Doing Holiday Differently This Year

November 17, 2016

A note from our founders, Amanda & Merrill.

This year we're doing things a little differently. We'll still go all out for Thanksgiving, and deck our mantels with the darkest, piniest greenery we can find. There will be cookies, candles, hot toddies, and a countdown on New Year's Eve. And our fingers are double-crossed for snow.

But when we thought about the gifts we'll all be giving this year—and how, exactly we're going to package them up to be their brightest-shining selves—we agreed it was time to change things up. Today marks the start of our 30 Days of Thoughtful Giving. Each day, we'll feature our favorite ideas—big and small—for making the most important people in our lives feel loved during the holidays (and beyond).

Photo by James Ransom

Here's a sneak peek at some of what's in store:

  • Getaways and expedition ideas: Book an Airbnb and have all the groceries for dinner waiting on arrival, or plan a weekend road trip (well plan some of it, and plan on getting a little bit lost) and let them know by dropping a playlist in their inbox.
  • 50 ways to help out around the house: Untangle the tree lights, be the one who warms up the bed every night that week (hero!), or volunteer for three snow-shoveling duties.
  • Inexpensive gifts to personalize: A journal makes a lovely gift—and if you write a note on the first page, the person you give it to will think of you whenever they use it.
  • All the best wrapping ideas: How to package up the funny-shaped gifts, ways to boost your bow (a fluffy sprig of rosemary is nice, an ornament is nicer!), and more.

And that's just a few of the suggestions we've got up our sleeves.

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—Amanda & Merrill

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Top Comment:
“Some other ideas: give a gift that keeps giving, like a gift certificate to Kiva, which gives out micro-loans. The money stays with Kiva, and when it's paid back you can loan it again! Another idea is on the lines of a 'cookie of the month club', which I did for someone in my family. At Christmas he got a small thing, plus a certificate for homemade cookies once in each of the next 3 months. I think he enjoyed it.”
— Bascula

Tell us in the comments if you have other ideas about how we can all give more thoughtful gifts this season—the more, the merrier!

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See what other Food52 readers are saying.

  • Gaeyl
  • BrooklynBridget
  • Bascula
  • Kate Hartt
    Kate Hartt
Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.


Gaeyl November 25, 2016
So many people in our country do not know anything about the culture , foods or religion of people from other countries or what people from their countries have contributed to the world. How about researching that as a family , preparing their foods discussing what their culture gave to the world where it is now. America was a British colony and would have had a tough time becoming free without the assistance of France. Thanks.
BrooklynBridget November 19, 2016
Love both of these ideas!
Bascula November 17, 2016
Some other ideas: give a gift that keeps giving, like a gift certificate to Kiva, which gives out micro-loans. The money stays with Kiva, and when it's paid back you can loan it again!
Another idea is on the lines of a 'cookie of the month club', which I did for someone in my family. At Christmas he got a small thing, plus a certificate for homemade cookies once in each of the next 3 months. I think he enjoyed it.
Kate H. November 17, 2016
My family does small gifts (under $10-$25 per person) then we use the saved money on a family vacation later in the year. We love it because it brings us together - both figuratively in planning/excitement and geographically since we live in various parts of the country. Plus the price limit lends itself to homemade gifts!