
7 Ways to Let the Humble Potato Shine

October 11, 2017

To celebrate one of the most nutrition-packed and comforting ingredients used across cultures, we’ve partnered with Potatoes USA. These seven recipes, showcasing various types of potatoes in their elements, bring out the best in this accessible, and often surprising, kitchen staple.

A visit to the farmers market, idyllic it may sound, can mean a rollercoaster of emotion. In a city like New York, we do our best to navigate the crowded Greenmarket with grace, sometimes while starstruck by a top chef. But it can be a quick skip between elated (at last, pale pink rhubarb to brighten gray days!) and irritated (so many people, so little time).

As our co-founder Amanda shares in her strategy for farmers market triumph, it takes some foresight to maximize your market experience. Fortunately, no matter what time of year you go, the trusty and easily stored potato will be ready to greet you. Stock up on your standby variety—the one that makes you hum inside with memories of cozy comfort—and experiment with those you're just discovering. In tandem with nature's bounty, the recipes and guiding principles for each of these seven types will bring you back to the market all year long.

So many kinds of potato heaven—we'll show you the way. Photo by Bobbi Lin


Go ahead, smash 'em up. The russet potato, with its low moisture and high starch content, lends itself well to mashing. This simple-enough Smashed Indian Potatoes side dish, also substantial enough for a meal, intrigues us with its nuanced blend of herbs and tang of yogurt.


You want these little guys for a simple roast. Small enough to cook whole, they require next to no prep beyond a good scrub, and they're great for hand-held appetizers. After some time in the oven, pierce them with a knife. If they feel just a little firm, that means they're perfectly tender inside.


Another great candidate for roasting or baking, the white potato's moderate amount of starch makes it truly all-purpose. Its creamy texture stands up nicely to layers of bold flavor and rich sauces, like the aioli in this Spanish Roasted Potato Salad.


When pressed for time, simply steam or boil these cuties. These young potatoes, small enough to cook quickly, maintain their shape nicely. A breeze to slice, they're great in dressed-up potato salads like this tarragon-infused number, perfect for weeknights and weekend gatherings.


Want to impress at an upcoming dinner party or potluck? Go with Instagram-friendly purple or blue potatoes, of course! These jewel-colored beauties are delicious and gorgeous, especially in this Roasted Vegetable Salad with Chimichurri. Its bold, garlicky vibrance plays well with the sweet, mellow, and slightly nutty flavors of the potatoes and root vegetables.


Yellow potatoes balance a creamy interior with a crispy exterior when fried, making them great for absorbing flavors when baked. This Hasselback Potato Skillet Bake–silky inside, crunchy outside–combines the best of both worlds.

7. RED

The red potato's low starch content and waxy texture helps maintain its shape while cooking, so it can stand alone as the main show, or show off in structural (a.k.a. composed) dishes. Skewered potatoes, as in this rosemary-scented dish served with the traditional Greek purée skordalia, are perfect for gathering around a grill or fire.

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To showcase one of the most nutrition-packed and comforting ingredients used across cultures, we’ve partnered with Potatoes USA to highlight our favorite ways to to use the kitchen staple. These seven recipes, showcasing various types of potato in their element, bring out the best in this accessible—and often surprising—vegetable.

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