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Madame C.
September 28, 2017
I couldn't afford it ! I did love the Film "Noma My Perfect Storm" that I saw during the San Sebastian film festival last year. Interesting as its about René and not as much about the restaurant. Loads of food porn though with the creative eye of the director ! I think you can see it on Netflix now in North Amercia.
shahnnen E.
September 28, 2017
I went a few months before they closed and it was an amazing experience, if you're into that sort of thing. I love food and wine and the rituals around all of that. To me, this is my Broadway show (don't really watch movies, and I hate the theatre, sorry- just not my jam.) It was the opposite of a snooty restaurant experience, the staff was incredibly gracious. The whole ultra-fine dining thing is weird if you think about it--but I do think Rene is using his platform for good- supporting local ag, combating hunger and food waste, etc. I'm incredibly interested to see what noma 2.0 looks like, and not just from a 'does this taste good?' but a social perspective.
shahnnen E.
September 28, 2017
And one of my favorite moments was going out back to the outside prep area to find a school class on a field trip (kids were prob 8-10 y/o) where they were all squealing as they were trying to defeather ducks. It was a bright, cold and windy october day, and the feathers were EVERYWHERE. They were having a blast doing a tedious and messy chore that most kids in the US don't get a chance to do.
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