
Don’t Eat That Delicious Looking Cake! It’s Made of Felt

February 22, 2018

What, you may ask, is one to do with a picture-perfect wedge of cake made entirely of felt? Who knows! But it sure is fun to look at.

Houston-based artist Huong Huynh has a way with felt that could throw off even the most detail-oriented: She creates foods from the material that look so realistic they’re practically begging to be eaten. But don’t, because that would be gross, and they probably don’t taste that good.

Houston, TX-based artist Huong Huynh handmakes pieces of realistic felt food #FACTS FEB. 22, 2018. When you think of fake food, plastic #restaurant replicas might come to mind. While these displays may seem like accurate representations of what you’re about to eat, they often don’t look particularly appetizing, or even that realistic. Then there’s the artist #HuongHuynh and her #sewn #felt creations of food, which are almost too real looking. It wouldn’t be all that surprising to see one of her soft sculptures in a #bakery case. Even worse—or better, depending on how you think about it—they’re flawless, without any danger of melting frosting or withering fruit. Huynh’s superlative #sewing skills are the result of long practice. The #Houston based #artist opened her #Etsystore #Milkfly in 2010, and started out with 20 pieces. Unlike her now near-photographic accuracy, those early food sculptures still had some rough edges. “The felt food I made in the beginning [was] much more simplistic than the ones I make today,” Huynh says. “I am always learning. Parts of Huynh’s journey have been rough as well. Her family fled #Vietnam to escape the ravages of the war. Her parents, along with their first four children, spent a year in a Malaysian #refugee camp. Huynh was born there, and shortly thereafter her family arrived in the U.S.A. After stints in #Michigan and Louisiana, they settled in Houston, Texas, where Huynh still lives today. While she’s mum on her future projects, it seems that felt food may not be on the menu for long. “I don’t want to say exactly what it is so I don’t jinx or put pressure on myself, but it has nothing to do with felt or food,” she says. “It’s a little scary taking a leap away from something that has been successful, but I have to at least try.” #NINFONETWORK #FOODNINFO #STYLENINFO #VEHICLENINFO #HUFFPOSTGRAM #FOODANDWINE #FOODNETWORK #EATER #DENVERFOODIE #CHEESE #SAFOODIE #SFEATS #LEFOODING #OMAGAZINE #TRUECOOKS #ETSY

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“The felt food I made in the beginning [was] much more simplistic than the ones I make today,” Huynh says in an interview with Atlas Obscura. “I am always learning.”

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Inspired by Japanese felt foods, Huynh began working with the medium in 2010. She sells her fabric masterpieces in an Etsy shop named Milkfly. All together, her pieces look like my dream bakery display case come to life: a hand-sewn napoleon with an intricately dusted top; spongy tea sandwiches stuffed with egg salad; doughnuts of all ilks—powdered, glazed, showered with sprinkles.

People buy her work to display as art or to use as pincushions (intricate pincushion, indeed!). Others buy them as children’s presents. Surprisingly, she says that she’s not even a huge cook—her fascination with food is mainly visual. Which is too bad, because it sure looks like she could whip up a mean strawberry tart. The mossy texture of the felt really captures the flesh of the fruit and the custard beneath it seems to be calling my name. Must! Resist! Eating! Felt!

Have you ever dabbled in felt foods? Let us know your thoughts on the matter in the comments below.

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  • Lori Farris
    Lori Farris
  • FrugalCat
Valerio is a freelance food writer, editor, researcher and cook. He grew up in his parent's Italian restaurants covered in pizza flour and drinking a Shirley Temple a day. Since, he's worked as a cheesemonger in New York City and a paella instructor in Barcelona. He now lives in Berlin, Germany where he's most likely to be found eating shawarma.


Lori F. February 22, 2018
Houstonians got it going on.....just like the author of this article.
FrugalCat February 22, 2018
What a fascinating craft. A little expensive for me, but would make a great gift.