My Family Recipe
Unlocking the Secret to My Grandmother’s Lemon Velvet Sheet Cake
And how it shaped my from-scratch gold standard.
Photo by Jenny Haung
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Geri K.
July 4, 2019
Just made this & turned out fantastic! I substituted limoncello for lemon juice in the glaze & placed a raspberry & 2 blueberries on each piece for 4th of July bbq.
Jessie S.
July 4, 2019
Yay! Love the limoncello substitute - genius. Hope everyone enjoys it today and thanks for making! XO
April 1, 2019
In Australia we have plain flour and self raising flour. Not sure what “ cake flour “ is. Can anyone help, please?
Julie A.
April 1, 2019
I believe cake flour is Self raising and all purpose flour is plain flour. I made this cake and was a knock out!
Melbourne, Australia 😀
Melbourne, Australia 😀
Christina S.
April 1, 2019
I don't think you would want to use self rising flour because there is other leavening in the cake. Cake flour is a finer flour than regular flour. I have used regular flour when I didn't have cake flour and it worked fine.
Julie A.
April 1, 2019
In Australia we don’t have “Cake Flour” . The recipe calls for All purchase flour. In Australia All purchase is plain flour, so what does cake mean compared to self raising?
Jessie S.
April 1, 2019
Cake flour is finer than all purpose flour and is often used in cakes for it produces a fine, tender crumb. It is not self rising flour (which is flour that has leavening added). You can substitute all-purpose flour for the cake flour, if you cannot find it. Good luck and let me know how it turns out!
Jessie S.
April 1, 2019
Cake is very different than self-rising (self rising has leavening already added, and salt). Cake is a fine flour, often used for - you guessed it- making cakes.
April 1, 2019
I read that cake flower can be substituted by putting 2 tablespoons of cornflour ( cornstarch ) in a cup and then filling it with plain ( all purpose ) flour. Hope this helps others in Australia. Wish your recipes gave metric measurements !
Jessie S.
April 1, 2019
thank you Penny! and yes: cornflour plus all purpose is a great substitute for cake flour and i know re: the metric measurements! my books include them, but my recipes do not always have them and i am trying to change that!
May 31, 2019
Cake flour is not the same thing as self-rising. It is a lower protein flour. You can replace cake flour in most recipes with a combination of all-purpose and cornstarch—search the internet for the exact proportions of each.
Tedra P.
February 9, 2019
This is one of my favorite childhood cakes...ours was always in a bundt or tube pan, however. Really makes a pretty presentation and the glaze keeps it moist.
Tedra P.
February 9, 2019
Oh, and I’ve tried to duplicate my maternal granny’s peach cobbler since I was a teenager. My dad and I were never able to find anything quite right (she passed in 1964), and long after he was gone I realized she probably used lard in the crust, plus her own canned peaches. I don’t think I’m desperate enough to can my own, but if I can find a nice local person who has some...
Caitlin G.
December 27, 2018
Love this story and love the sounds of this cake. Aaand I'm not usually a lemony dessert gal. Thanks for sharing!
December 25, 2018
As a baker and recipe developer, any chance you could include weights in your recipes? I think even Americans are beginning to catch on to the idea that baking success, especially for beginners, is tied to accurate measurements. T hanks in advance.
Jessie S.
December 26, 2018
Yes! You are absolutely right and in both my cookbooks I included gram masurements for just the reasons you state. Will try to do so in all my recipe developing, as you are not the first to mention it! Thanks.
Christina S.
November 23, 2018
I find it interesting that your standard for a good cake is that it tastes like a boxed mix. My mother would never let such a thing cross our threshold, so my standard has been that it not taste like a boxed cake mix. I think it shows that there is not one "right taste" for food but rather our memories and associations are what determine the foods that we love.
Christina S.
November 23, 2018
I find it interesting that your standard for a good cake is that it tastes like a boxed mix. My mother would never let such a thing cross our threshold, so my standard has been that it not taste like a boxed cake mix. I think it shows that there is not one "right taste" for food but rather our memories and associations are what determine the foods that we love.
Addie K.
November 3, 2018
I'm kind of sticking on the olive oil - only have extra virgin and don't want to buy a huge bottle of other just for this. Any other substitutes you can recommend?
Jessie S.
November 3, 2018
Yes! how about canola or vegetable? and jsut answered this in my IG comments as well . . . xo
Christina S.
November 23, 2018
So why would you not just buy a small bottle of olive oil, rather than a huge one?
Janecia B.
October 22, 2018
Any idea how one might go about making this gluten-free? I have a copious amount of almond flour but not sure how that will change the texture of the cake.
October 27, 2018
Try using King Arthur Measure for Measure Gluten Free flour blend. I wouldn't use your almond flour, the texture will not be the same.
Christina S.
November 23, 2018
I have had good luck with converting cake recipes by substituting a gluten free baking mix such as King Arthur or Bob's Red Mill and a little xanthum gum for the flour and continuing with the recipe as written.
Abby L.
October 22, 2018
This sounds delicious! I was asked to make cupcakes for a child's birthday party next month, and this cake sounds kind of perfect. Do you think the recipe would translate ok to cupcakes if I adjusted the baking time?
Jessie S.
October 22, 2018
You know, I do. And u could make an easy lemon buttercream to top them with, or just the glaze! Let me know how they turn out.
October 18, 2018
I followed the recipe exactly and the cake is so delicious I can hardly believe it. This is one of those recipes I’ll definitely save to make over and over. Outstanding!
Jessie S.
October 18, 2018
How wonderful! Can't even begin to tell you how happy that makes me. Thank you and yay! XO
October 16, 2018
I had my bestie and her hubs over for dinner, a rare occasion as she and her hubs are excellent cooks and I find them intimidating when it come to having them over. Dinner was steaks on the grill and mashed taters and a broccoli salad, all delicious. But I made your cake. I have never felt more proud impressing my friend. She raved about it and her hubs asked for some to take home. My kitchen was kinda a mess while putting it all together but that’s on me! It was truly yummy and will make it again for sure!!
Jessie S.
October 17, 2018
yay! Love hearing this. So glad it was a hit and you basically made them my favorite dinner (ie: steak and potatoes . . . ). ❤️
October 16, 2018
Any chance of getting your grandmother’s cake mix and jello version of the lemon velvet cake recipe?
Jessie S.
October 16, 2018
one box lemon Jell-O plus 3/4 cup warm water - stir
add 4 eggs
add contents of one package lemon velvet cake mix, beat well
add 3/4 cup oil - beat until smooth
flour and grease pan - bake 35 to 40 minutes at 350
combine 1 cup confectioners' sugar and juice of one lemon - make holes in cake and pour over
one box lemon Jell-O plus 3/4 cup warm water - stir
add 4 eggs
add contents of one package lemon velvet cake mix, beat well
add 3/4 cup oil - beat until smooth
flour and grease pan - bake 35 to 40 minutes at 350
combine 1 cup confectioners' sugar and juice of one lemon - make holes in cake and pour over
March 8, 2019
Don't they call your grandma's version a 'poke cake?'
I do bake from scratch and only use a box when I am in crunch time do to single mommyitis.
I have been doggedly trying to find a scratch lemon cake for my dad. He called me crying one day because his wife (now deceased) used to make him lemon cake for his birthday. But she was so stuck on the 'family secret' thing NOBODY has that recipe now.🙄 His birthday is coming up. I'm making him THIS CAKE- thank goodness it's NOT a secret!!!
I do bake from scratch and only use a box when I am in crunch time do to single mommyitis.
I have been doggedly trying to find a scratch lemon cake for my dad. He called me crying one day because his wife (now deceased) used to make him lemon cake for his birthday. But she was so stuck on the 'family secret' thing NOBODY has that recipe now.🙄 His birthday is coming up. I'm making him THIS CAKE- thank goodness it's NOT a secret!!!
October 16, 2018
I love family recipes like these. I have a lot of respect for them. They scream "Love" in each bite. This was a wonderful story and I got my own sad twinge thinking about my grandmother who adopted my mother as an infant. She was a legendary baker in the village and passed away right before we left Vietnam. I am always to jealous of my older sisters who got to cook with her and see The Master in action.
Jessie S.
October 16, 2018
so glad you enjoyed the story and thanks for sharing this little bit of yours . . .
Alexa M.
October 16, 2018
I flag an obscene amount of dessert recipes to try out one day, but this one is jumping to the top of the list!!!!
(also I really like the article page redesign - I like how much cleaner/useful the article ingredient list preview is!)
(also I really like the article page redesign - I like how much cleaner/useful the article ingredient list preview is!)
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