Cookbook Club
We Asked 26,000 Home Cooks for Their Best Money-Saving Tips
25 ways to save some dough.

A New Way to Dinner, co-authored by Food52's founders Amanda Hesser and Merrill Stubbs, is an indispensable playbook for stress-free meal-planning (hint: cook foundational dishes on the weekend and mix and match ‘em through the week).
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February 13, 2023
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February 13, 2023
The task of obtaining the best deal for your family and business is one that we take very seriously. As long as the borrower meets the credit requirements and criteria established by national mortgage brokers, the majority of financial institutions, including Regional Rural Finance, accept loan refinance. We are a team of experts who collaborate with the people of the country to offer the best loan alternative.
Brooke K.
January 7, 2021
MY best advice if you have a wider budget is to either install a tap filter or get spring water to your house. We do that, ours comes from Cedar Springs and its budget-friendly plus super healthy!
March 9, 2019
If you have grocery outlet (local PNW chain) that’s great for snagging deals. I also shop seasonally or on sale - checking ads and sometimes hitting up multiple stores.
When my husband and I were super broke, I would stretch a recipe by adding more water to a soup, using half an onion instead of a whole one, or less chicken than what was called for.
I also meal plan so if I buy something like cilantro, I’m using it for multiple uses.
I buy bulk grains and spices in small amounts, too.
And my final trick is “eat the fridge” night where I make a random meal out of whatever I found. In college, on a super budget, a friend and I made pasta with tomato soup mixed with cream cheese as a sauce. It actually wasn’t half bad...
When my husband and I were super broke, I would stretch a recipe by adding more water to a soup, using half an onion instead of a whole one, or less chicken than what was called for.
I also meal plan so if I buy something like cilantro, I’m using it for multiple uses.
I buy bulk grains and spices in small amounts, too.
And my final trick is “eat the fridge” night where I make a random meal out of whatever I found. In college, on a super budget, a friend and I made pasta with tomato soup mixed with cream cheese as a sauce. It actually wasn’t half bad...
January 14, 2019
Thanks for the info about freezing egg yolks. Never thought to do that. Will get to googling that. 🤓
janet V.
January 14, 2019
To preserve fresh herbs and lettuce: Remove twist ties or paper bands. Shake out excess water from the automatic showers at the store. Cut off long stems of parsley and cilantro, keep headed of lettuce whole. Wrap entire head or bunch in paper towels and be sure everything is covered. Put in a ziploc bag, or a twist tie storage bag and remove as much air as possible. I find that these stay fresh for weeks. Every time I use the herb or lettuce, I remove any brown or soggy parts then re-wrap, if necessary in new paper towels.
January 16, 2019
I do this and it really works! My lettuce and spinach stay good for weeks (even though the spinach is not attached at the base). However, in order to not waste plastic, I use these large (think: sheet cake) size glass tupperwares lined with the damp paper towels / reusable kitchen cloths. Just wanted to suggest this environment-friendly tip!
January 13, 2019
About avocados - my sister shared her method of keeping them fresh (but who doesn't eat a ripe avocado right away?). The minute they feel even slightly soft, put them in the refrigerator! They will not ripen as fast - good for several days. And even after using only one half, leave the pit in the other half, wrap it tightly in plastic wrap, and put it back in the refrigerator. This miracle method has allowed me to buy bags of avocados instead of one at a time.
janet V.
January 14, 2019
So glad you commented about this. I've been doing this for years and know that it really works. Read my comment about preserving fresh herbs and lettuce.
January 16, 2019
Again, I second this method! Perhaps I am not as sensitive to eating over-ripe avocados as some people, but I find they last for around a week this way!
January 13, 2019
I'm very lucky to live in Chicagoland and I freecycle ( and thrift shop a lot. I've always done this because I was a very poor grad student living in New Orleans with no car. I learned to cook from scratch and not feel shame in accepting second hand, or buying flea market items. A lot of these items are still in use!!!
Also as I earned more I continued to recycle & thriftshop because it keeps waste out of the landfill. Often I find items that are better quality than what I find new.
I re-use glass jars for storage and to make vinaigrette.
Now that I have more time I'm shifting focus to growing some staple veggies (peppers & tomatoes) but would like to add more. Because I have dogs and voracious rabbits, I use five gallon buckets or recycled nursery pots. I place annual herbs or thuggish herbs (mint & oregano) in decorative pots. But I have perennial herbs as part of my garden beds as well. Thyme makes a wonderful edging plant and save is beautiful compact shrub for me. Rosemary I grow in pots and at the end of the season these come inside and I continue to use through winter. Even in Chicago's winter I am able to get small bits of thyme for cooking.
We are lucky that there are lots of farmstands in the region. In the past I wait until the very end of season and get corn & tomatoes to put in freezer.
I make my own sodium & preservative free spice mixes. There are lots of recipes online and I've had a blast exploring these. I use the smaller jars to store my mixes and label the jar using a sharpie.
Buy large containers of spices I use a lot of and shop Asian, Mexican, and Indian markets for spices. If all else fails use Amazon. Ask questions and save labels so it's easy to find the spice you want again if the labels are not in English.
Shop Amazon warehouse deals. I've gotten great bargains like vollrath half sheet pains for $6. Also Amazon & alibris for used cookbooks especially those out of print.
When I buy celery I often can't use it all so I run through my mini chopper and freeze. Also when I see bell peppers on sale I cut those into stir fry size and freeze for Kung pao night or dice for soup or corn bread. But double bagging & dating is a must to keep these items from imparting their flavors to the other foods in your freezer.
I've moved around a lot and early in my career was on assignment for long periods. So to get to know my coworkers, I'd ask about food prep of local or cultural foods and swap recipes. It's expanded my repertoire and I've made friends I wouldn't have otherwise and learned a lot.
Local & church cookbooks. Some of my favorites are the River Road cookbooks and the Cajun Wok. As I've learned more about the science of cooking and have changed how I cook to reflect a healthier lifestyle I still use the cookbooks for the basics for establishing flavor base.
Think longevity and buy the best quality cooking tools I can afford even if they come from yard sales or thrift stores. Read, read, read about different types of cookware brands or cookware types. Especially if you're buying second hand. After observing my parents aging, think practical about kitchen tools as well. Cast iron is wonderful stuff but as You get older its weight may no longer be practical or safe for arthritic hands and wrists.
Invest it cooking for two cookbooks since scaling down some recipes is not always workable. But experiment with freezing recipes that are larger amounts.
Frozen berries for muffins & breads, freezing overripe bananas, make apple pie apples with surplus apples.
Buy local butter when I can.
Invest in a sturdy chest freezer.
Horror of horrors to some cooks but I've been experimenting with liquid smoke to reduce costs, fat & sodium when making dishes that call for smoked meat to impart flavor. Great for producing vegan meals for southern classics like beans & greens. There are so many recipes available online so you're starting blind when making the switch.
Keep an open mind and learn to experiment. Don't get hung up on "authentic but what's healthy and doable for your region of the world. American cooking is such a hodge lodge of different cultures, just embrace it. Ask questions and visit the comment sections online as that's typically the best place to find answers and learn how others do things.
Also as I earned more I continued to recycle & thriftshop because it keeps waste out of the landfill. Often I find items that are better quality than what I find new.
I re-use glass jars for storage and to make vinaigrette.
Now that I have more time I'm shifting focus to growing some staple veggies (peppers & tomatoes) but would like to add more. Because I have dogs and voracious rabbits, I use five gallon buckets or recycled nursery pots. I place annual herbs or thuggish herbs (mint & oregano) in decorative pots. But I have perennial herbs as part of my garden beds as well. Thyme makes a wonderful edging plant and save is beautiful compact shrub for me. Rosemary I grow in pots and at the end of the season these come inside and I continue to use through winter. Even in Chicago's winter I am able to get small bits of thyme for cooking.
We are lucky that there are lots of farmstands in the region. In the past I wait until the very end of season and get corn & tomatoes to put in freezer.
I make my own sodium & preservative free spice mixes. There are lots of recipes online and I've had a blast exploring these. I use the smaller jars to store my mixes and label the jar using a sharpie.
Buy large containers of spices I use a lot of and shop Asian, Mexican, and Indian markets for spices. If all else fails use Amazon. Ask questions and save labels so it's easy to find the spice you want again if the labels are not in English.
Shop Amazon warehouse deals. I've gotten great bargains like vollrath half sheet pains for $6. Also Amazon & alibris for used cookbooks especially those out of print.
When I buy celery I often can't use it all so I run through my mini chopper and freeze. Also when I see bell peppers on sale I cut those into stir fry size and freeze for Kung pao night or dice for soup or corn bread. But double bagging & dating is a must to keep these items from imparting their flavors to the other foods in your freezer.
I've moved around a lot and early in my career was on assignment for long periods. So to get to know my coworkers, I'd ask about food prep of local or cultural foods and swap recipes. It's expanded my repertoire and I've made friends I wouldn't have otherwise and learned a lot.
Local & church cookbooks. Some of my favorites are the River Road cookbooks and the Cajun Wok. As I've learned more about the science of cooking and have changed how I cook to reflect a healthier lifestyle I still use the cookbooks for the basics for establishing flavor base.
Think longevity and buy the best quality cooking tools I can afford even if they come from yard sales or thrift stores. Read, read, read about different types of cookware brands or cookware types. Especially if you're buying second hand. After observing my parents aging, think practical about kitchen tools as well. Cast iron is wonderful stuff but as You get older its weight may no longer be practical or safe for arthritic hands and wrists.
Invest it cooking for two cookbooks since scaling down some recipes is not always workable. But experiment with freezing recipes that are larger amounts.
Frozen berries for muffins & breads, freezing overripe bananas, make apple pie apples with surplus apples.
Buy local butter when I can.
Invest in a sturdy chest freezer.
Horror of horrors to some cooks but I've been experimenting with liquid smoke to reduce costs, fat & sodium when making dishes that call for smoked meat to impart flavor. Great for producing vegan meals for southern classics like beans & greens. There are so many recipes available online so you're starting blind when making the switch.
Keep an open mind and learn to experiment. Don't get hung up on "authentic but what's healthy and doable for your region of the world. American cooking is such a hodge lodge of different cultures, just embrace it. Ask questions and visit the comment sections online as that's typically the best place to find answers and learn how others do things.
January 14, 2019
You're most welcome. That and Teresa Kennedy's American Pie cookbook were two of my very first cookbooks.
Good luck.
Good luck.
January 13, 2019
I 'd encourage everyone to earn basic fermentation skills:making your own sauerkraut, kimchi, yogurt,sourdough can help your guts, enliven your meals and save you a lot of money. I grow most of my own vegetables (yes, I',m very fortunate to be able to do so), and recycle any scraps through my chickens into organic eggs. If a pineapple, or pears or apples get a bit too ripe for my taste, I slice and dehydrate them.
I make double batches of bran and /or corn muffins and freeze them--ready to nuke for 45 seconds on busy mornings.
I trade layer cakes (I love to bake) with a fisherman friend, thereby getting delicious halibut and ling cod which I could never afford. Barter is a great way to go!
Also, I make dog biscuits from squash, liver, a little oil,an egg or two , some whole grain flour....after baking, I dehydrate them too, to ensure dryness.....way cheaper than the $7 or 8 for pet store brands.
I make double batches of bran and /or corn muffins and freeze them--ready to nuke for 45 seconds on busy mornings.
I trade layer cakes (I love to bake) with a fisherman friend, thereby getting delicious halibut and ling cod which I could never afford. Barter is a great way to go!
Also, I make dog biscuits from squash, liver, a little oil,an egg or two , some whole grain flour....after baking, I dehydrate them too, to ensure dryness.....way cheaper than the $7 or 8 for pet store brands.
January 13, 2019
Oh I am so wanting to expand my world this way. It's a slow process but I'm taking steps to get there.
Marika T.
January 13, 2019
In order to extend the life of almost all produce, I put a piece of paper towel or cotton cloth in the bag. When it gets too damp I replace it. This trick extends my produce life by at least ten days depending on the vegetable.
Etta L.
January 13, 2019
For about the last fifty years i add one item to my cart that I have never had before. It started out that the item cost no more than 25¢ it's no more than $3.00. I've found some interesting things that I've added to my table this way. Two of my favorites fruit and tomatillo. If my family didn't like it ....I didn't buy it again.
Back was SOOO exotic !
Back was SOOO exotic !
January 13, 2019
Carrot greens are edible and delicious! We make pesto and dips with them, or add the leaves to tossed salads.
January 13, 2019
Never tried carrot tops but thanks for this tip. I have learned to use stems of cilantro and the leaves of celery. Celery leaves and lovage (perennial herb) are very similar.
January 14, 2019
Frugal me tried to make use of carrot greens years ago. I grew up cooking and enjoying just about every kind of greens, from mustards, collards, turnips, to radish tops, etc. Sorry, but carrot tops never made the cut. They taste like lawn clippings!
Margaret L.
January 14, 2019
I agree that carrot tops don't make a good cooked vegetable, but they make wonderful pesto to serve on chicken, steak, or carrots or use as a dip for pita chips or crudites. Thin as needed -- for a sauce, use more water, oil, or lemon juice to taste, thicker for a dip. Here's the recipe from Rancho La Puerta:
January 13, 2019
Canned beans are very expensive and high in sodium. I soak a pound at a time in salted water. When hydrated I put them into a Dutch oven with some chopped onion and garlic, herbs, etc. (you can add a ham bone or the like; I make all of our beans vegetarian), and cover with fresh water. Bring to a boil on the stove, skim off any foam, then cover and put the pot in a preheated 375F oven. Depending on the type and age of the beans, they will cook perfectly in 45-90 minutes. I portion into 1- and 2-cup containers with the “pot likker” and freeze to use as needed.
January 13, 2019
I do the same with rice. On week nights when I'm in a pinch to get something on the table having beans, rice, roasted chicken breasts in the freezer & a working microwave is a good thing.
January 13, 2019
The last comment, I swear! Suggest you find someone who has a Restaurant Depot account (its free if you have a business w tax ID) and see if they'd loan you yours. I get my DOP San Marzano tomato (5 lbs. 10 oz for $7.50) cans along w SO many other items. SO much cheaper than retail. I also split w my neighbors/family/friends items from Costco. I don't need huge amounts since its just the 2 of us. I also borrow items rather than buy. My neighbor has an ice-cream machine she loans me and I give her ice cream or make something else. We swapped some gorgeous Meyer lemons for tomato sauce from a big batch I just made. Swap around saves a LOT and its great sharing. Another neighbor loans me her Vitamix as needed and I let her dogs out when she works. Win-win for all of us!
January 13, 2019
I agree 100%. I missed this tremendously when I moved out of state and left the friends/family that were my swap/share buddies.
January 13, 2019
I love the Natural Grocers idea, also: your local Food Co-Op for all bulk, organic, non-GMO. and:, eBay, etsy, Ace hardware, etc...for canning jars and things you can use in your kitchen for storage (easy to run through the dishwasher if second-hand or vintage). why pay too much for anything if you can be patient and clever about where you buy? my pantry is virtually plastic-free, waste-free and after years of careful cultivation, extremely stylin'
January 13, 2019
most liquor bottles are 750 ml. You can use one cup (8 oz) of Vodka or grain alcohol (higher proof is fine) w 3-4 vanilla beans. split open but leave the bean undisturbed. If the beans are shriveled, old or marginal quality, you'll need more beans. I get my beans from Amadeus Beans in Cal. They aren't cheap (ANYWHERE) but a group of us go in on bulk. for $34-ish dollars--(I know a lot) I got 8-8inch beans. It's a deal compared to what you'd pay in a store--4-inch beans of 1 average $10 a pop--and the quality is superior to what you get in the store.
January 13, 2019
Farmer's markets where I live (New Orleans) are prohibitively expensive--nor do they necessarily mean organic. We also don't get the range and variety of produce as is often depicted on this and other websites. I do love tips and ideas offered in this post--THANK YOU 52 & contributors!
Vicki B.
January 13, 2019
We have an ever changing bottle of white wine for cooking in the refrigerator, at the ready for adding a small amount of wine to deglaze or steam. "Ever changing" because whenever there is just a small amount remaining in the bottle, it's added to the "ever changing" bottle, in our case a former beer bottle with a hinged stopper. Also, tomato paste freezes well and most recipes call for very little. I freeze left over tomato paste in 1 Tablespoon portions.
Carol F.
January 13, 2019
I have relatives and friends who live in very rural parts of the country and it has opened my eyes to the difficulty many people have finding access to good, affordable, nutritious food and there seems to be a sizable number who never learned, or don’t have the time, to garden or cook from scratch with the resulting increase in health problems that comes from eating a lot of processed food. The good news is the number of younger people who are moving back home and bringing new/old ideas back with them. My niece was instrumental in setting up a farmer’s market in her little town of 800, and teaches classes on budgeting and finances for families at their library. Many of these tips are universal but it’s important to keep in mind that not everyone has access to fresh food year round or even a nearby Goodwill, and that for some even the cost of buying all the set up for canning and freezing or an Amazon Prime membership can be prohibitive. I belong to my neighborhood Buy Nothing group and it is a wonderful way to share rather than buy and to pass along goods and even food that might otherwise go to waste.
Denise A.
January 13, 2019
Love the Buy Nothing concept, for environmental as well as financial reasons. I will investigate, and initiate if necessary.
January 13, 2019
I just want to say that you are all "wicked smaht" and wonderful for sharing these tips. I heart y'all !
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