Can You Guess Which Trader Joe's Item Is Most Popular in Your State?
Some of 'em may surprise you.
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February 27, 2019
How do you calculate the most searched for food in states that don’t have Traders Joes in them? If this is just a collection of top google searches as it seems from the comments I guess that could have been more clearly stated in the article. As well as perhaps stating the fact that TJ is not represented in every state. Also TJ doesn’t has a delivery option right now so even if I get a hit on a TJ product I would like I can’t get it without leaving my state 😂 AK and AR ( Home and home away from home) are represented on your list, and I’m google search sure neither have a Trader Joe’s ... I wish they did! It would totally make my day to find out they did. But it just makes me sad 💔 to see them on the list, do a quick google search because hey maybe it actually happened, but find out nope still no Trader Joe’s. I love food52 products as well as their insta feed. I don’t enjoy misrepresentation of facts and feeling like I have to double check articles. (Even simple ones like this)
Carrie G.
February 21, 2019
Rarely post but I have been cooking for many years.I started cooking my noodles rice ect separately due to the problem of alot of the broth being absorbed so-----
Cydney H.
February 21, 2019
My guess for California will be coffee, nuts, greeting cards or flowers.... OK I'll go with coffee. And thanks for the samples!
February 20, 2019
Brooklyn bobka, Almond ring danish (that always runs out), or speculoos cookie butter.
"most googled" is not as useful as "best seller".
"most googled" is not as useful as "best seller".
Brinda A.
February 21, 2019
All so good, M! Agreed, finding out the bestsellers would be great, too—I think the "Customer Choice Awards" is a pretty good indicator of that, to start.
February 20, 2019
But “most google searched” is not equal to most popular or most purchased item for that state.
I google a lot of stuff just because I don’t know what it is exactly or what the ingredients are.
I google a lot of stuff just because I don’t know what it is exactly or what the ingredients are.
Brinda A.
February 21, 2019
Definitely fair, Ttrockwood, thanks for the good point! My idea was that "most Google-searched" is an indicator of high interest (in some way or another—whether for further research or higher consumption), and in that sense is "popular," appealing to the masses in some way. Not to mention, many of those items are included in the Annual Customer Choice Awards list!
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