Meet the Sandwich the Internet Can't Stop Talking About
Aka, the "best budget sandwich ever."
Photo by Ella Quittner

Join The Sandwich Universe co-hosts (and longtime BFFs) Molly Baz and Declan Bond as they dive deep into beloved, iconic sandwiches.
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August 4, 2023
Yep! I love them . I hate it when people say it's gross when they never even tried them.
October 5, 2022
I haven’t had one of these in years, but I first learned about these when trading sandwiches in Sonoma, CA with my buddy Stan. Even then, probably 5th grade the Combination of Best Foods Mayo, crisp iceberg lettuce, and chunky peanut butter, on toasted white bread sounded like a joke. I was very skeptical. For me when I started making them myself, I began really gravitating towards the sandwhich made with fresh toasted wonder bread as the key to a great sandwhich.
August 2, 2020
Back in nursing school, one of my friends brought me a PB and avocado sandwich- apparently she had put homemade pickled peppers into her sandwich, but left them out of mine, not yet knowing I was a fan of spice. Needless to say, my pepper-less version was lacking- too sweet! too smooth!- but once I slapped a few of her crunchy, vinegary spicy pickles within it, it was shockingly good. Like a more savory PB&J-ish scenario.
That leads me to today, when I revisited this article: Curiosity got the better of me and I made myself half a crunchy PB and Hellman's sandwich on white bread. I actually liked it, so there's that! Yet another surprise. Always try the "weird" combos at least once- you never know what you'll like!
That leads me to today, when I revisited this article: Curiosity got the better of me and I made myself half a crunchy PB and Hellman's sandwich on white bread. I actually liked it, so there's that! Yet another surprise. Always try the "weird" combos at least once- you never know what you'll like!
April 19, 2020
This is my go to lunch. I use white whole wheat bread with crunchy peanut butter, mayo, and with/without mustard. Mustard may vary - Dijon, horseradish mustard, honey mustard. My husband won't stay in the kitchen when I make it because it grosses him out. I learned from my father for whom I used to make it. I grew up in the Northeast in the 50's.
November 20, 2019
Well, I had to try it, and it's not bad. Organic whole wheat bread, home made mayo, organic peanut butter, and a sliced banana. Filled the hole in my tummy, and I'll make it again.
bueno O.
June 7, 2019
i grew up in tennessee and we were poor growing up sometimes we would eat mustard sandwiches or mayo sandwiches with black pepper also ate onion sandwiches and tomato sanwiches.i better stop its making me hungry
June 3, 2019
Never tried peanut butter and mayonnaise but back when we were in junior high my friends and I used to make peanut butter and tuna salad sandwiches.
Karen C.
June 3, 2019
Sounds so odd to me. But then PB&M sound pretty odd together to most of the world, so I won’t knock it. I remember trying PB&banana once—heavenly. But before that I always thought **that** was bizarre.
June 3, 2019
I'm sorry, but I cannot even imagine this. Tuna salad and PB? But hey, go for it, if that's what you like. Enjoy! No one should judge.
Kenneth L.
June 23, 2019
Mr. Kenneth Lee Anderson. Diversicare of Ripley. 101 Cunningham drive. Ripley Mississippi 38663. 662-306-0487. Email address is
Kenneth L.
June 23, 2019
I've eaten p. B. And mayo for 51 years. I was 6 then. 57 now. Mom- Peggy Joyce (Dees) Anderson made it for
Lynda W.
June 2, 2019
First, NOT done with gobs of mayonnaise like in your photos. Second, NOT Miracle Whip, that's disgusting.
Soft bread of any kind, peanut butter, preferably crunchy but any will do, mayonnaise, and a couple of leaves of crunchy lettuce, a tiny sprinkle pf salt. This is perfection!
Soft bread of any kind, peanut butter, preferably crunchy but any will do, mayonnaise, and a couple of leaves of crunchy lettuce, a tiny sprinkle pf salt. This is perfection!
Diane J.
May 30, 2019
My dad was born in 1912, and lived through the depression. Our family was very frugal. He loved PB and Miracle Whip sandwiches, and got me hooked as well. I'm 73 now and still eat them occasionally. I rarely have white bread available, but that's the best choice for this sandwich. I love the idea of iceberg lettuce on them as well and will try it next time. Good memories!
Bruce B.
May 31, 2019
You rarely have white bread available?? I find that unimaginable. I live in Coatesville, PA (yes, I know you never heard of it) and within 10 miles of us there are at least 10 supermarkets that sell white bread. By the cartons if I want them. And, BTW - - - you can freeze bread- it will keep for 6 months ! ! !
May 30, 2019
Agree. Add a banana.
Growing up poor we had PB & Jelly & Butter. Excellent. Triscuit with a pat of butter - still eat that.
My dad put mayo on everything - eggs, peas, cake, cookies, onion & tomato sandwich. Prob why he died at 54 - that and cigs & bourbon.
Growing up poor we had PB & Jelly & Butter. Excellent. Triscuit with a pat of butter - still eat that.
My dad put mayo on everything - eggs, peas, cake, cookies, onion & tomato sandwich. Prob why he died at 54 - that and cigs & bourbon.
May 30, 2019
Grew up eating Peter Pan smooth and Miracle Whip. I am 66 and is still my favorite sandwich.
Karen C.
May 30, 2019
Where did you grow up? My mom grew up in Martinsville, Indiana (better known for John Woodin and its KKK activities). Is PB&Mayo a midwestern or southern thing exclusively?
Lauren R.
May 30, 2019
I will try this combo. But I have a personal favorite peanut butter odd couple. I really wanted a PB&J once and realized I had no J. Then I thought to myself, tomatoes are fruits, right? Peanut butter and ketchup was born. I really like the tangy ketchup that cuts through the sticky peanut butter.
M W.
May 30, 2019
I don't know about the quintessential version of this sandwich, but in the foothills of North Carolina it was peanut butter (crunchy or smooth, your choice) and Duke's mayo. (Not Miracle Whip, not Hellman's, and we didn't have Blue Plate growing up.) ---We added slices of apple to make it lunch. Bananas were for when you didn't have apples. --They weren't bad, but they could add poundage if you weren't careful about how many of them you ate.)
May 30, 2019
I grew up on peanut butter, mayo and iceberg lettuce on white bread sandwiches. That and the fried baloney sandwich with mustard remain my favorites. My mother is from West Virginia and also grew up on these sandwiches. However, her real favorite is a pork and bean sandwich on white bread folded
Iike a taco with a smidge of mustard 😄
Iike a taco with a smidge of mustard 😄
May 30, 2019
These sound disgusting. BUT, as a pb and mayo lover (separately, mind you), I will try it out. You all cannot be wrong! Thanks for sharing this culinary wonder!
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