This Food52 Maker Is Donating Cloth Masks to Those in Need
Steele Canvas has pivoted to manufacturing cloth masks—so medical masks can stay in the right hands.
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May 12, 2020
I was really excited to support this cause too! I ordered two at the beginning of the month and still haven't received shipping information. Please contact me.
Arati M.
May 12, 2020
Hi Molly. Sorry to hear that. I'm going to have our customer service team look into it for you.
Arati M.
May 12, 2020
Please email our care team at with your order# and the email you used to place the order. They will look out for your email and help you with this. Thank you for your patience—and your support!
April 24, 2020
Hello so you do you do donations? I'm from the Navajo reservation where our local hospital is being hit hard with CoVid-19. This would be great for our people in the front lines and for the rural people in our Nation. Thanks!
Arati M.
April 24, 2020
Hi. Thank you so much for reaching out. So sorry to hear of how hard your community, and local hospital, have been hit. Please email Ryan at; we have let them know to look out for your email. Stay safe.
April 5, 2020
I am an RN and certainly see the desperate need for masks right now. this is a wonderful effort, but I think it would be more productive to donate masks to homeless shelters, school feeding programs, churches, and grocery stores. The cloth masks need to be used in the community. Hospitals need medical grade masks. Thanks you!!!!!
Arati M.
April 6, 2020
Thank you for your thoughtful comment, Janet. These cloth masks are being donated to healthcare facilities that have already requested for them as protective measures. Donations have started with the organizations that were already set up, in an effort to respond as quickly as possible, but the list will expand and Steele Canvas is very open to all suggestions and requests for donations.
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