Photo by Rocky Luten

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December 4, 2022
For baked on gunk, including roasters, and sheet pans/cookie sheets, put the pan on flat surface (if it won't fit in the sink), sprinkle very generously with Oxyclean powder -- no substitute brands -- and pour in boiling, or very hot water. The water must be very hot. Wait a couple hours, the longer the better. It works on absolutely everything, you'll be surprised.
November 24, 2022
Whatever the terminology, that pan might need the ultra treatment. I have successfully removed baked on oil by covering the inside of the pan with dryer sheets and pouring hot water boiling right from the kettle to fill the pan w dryer sheets. Let soak for a long time. It’s as ready as it’s ever going to be when you can start to budge the baked on oil with
a steel wool pad. Then, scrub away. It worked for my pans. Hope it works for yours.
a steel wool pad. Then, scrub away. It worked for my pans. Hope it works for yours.
November 18, 2022
Although I’ve never resorted to this method on a sheet pan yet, the miraculous “save” that has spared several beloved charred and gunked pans from the garbage bin has been boiling water and a dishwasher tablet. Simply cover and let sit for a few minutes. Grime rinses away like a miracle!
November 17, 2022
I have the blue cookie sheet with the blue silicone mat. Like all my silpat mats, I can’t get them cleaned, especially if there was a butter based item baked on it. Any suggestions? I’ve tried soaking…doesn’t work.
December 4, 2022
FWIW, I use baking soda and vinegar to de-slime my silpat and other silicone mats.
November 15, 2022
A sheet pan is not a cookie sheet
November 17, 2022
Better than what? I might feel better if food writers weren't so incredibly sloppy with language.
November 18, 2022
Also it should be noted that personal attacks, however lame, are contrary to both Food52 policy and common courtesy.
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