
Community Picks -- Soy

August 17, 2012


It's that time again --  help us pick the contest finalists for Your Best Soy! This is the second round of using our new fancy system. 

The game is the mostly same: any Food52 member is welcome to help us test our Community Pick candidates, so go call dibs on the recipe you'd like to test that is in the list below! We'd love to see some new testers in the mix -- remember, we're accepting up to 3 testers per recipe. And, if the recipe is worthy of a Community Pick, we'll publish the best headnote, so make your notes count! Don't forget to email us your headnote (no more than 100 words) to [email protected] by next Wednesday at 5pm (EST). 

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When you’ve figured out which recipes are calling your name, in order to sign up, all you have to do is follow the link that that recipe’s page, and on the very top of the page, you’ll see a “Test This Recipe” button. Your job is easy: just click the button, and you’ll receive a confirmation email that officially crowns you a Food52 community tester. If for some reason you decide you cannot test, simply press the button again, and your name will be removed from the list. 

We'll collect your comments, name the finalists and official Community Picks, and publish the best headnote for each Community Pick (with credit, of course!). If the recipe you test isn't chosen as a Community Pick, please feel free to leave your testing notes in the recipe's comments section. Constructive criticism is always encouraged!

Happy Testing!


See what other Food52 readers are saying.

  • susan g
    susan g
  • Michael Hoffman
    Michael Hoffman
  • AntoniaJames
  • EmilyC
Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.


susan G. August 22, 2012
Thank you EmilyC and Michael. Now I see the 8/17 date above...
I'll make it anyway, of course.
Michael H. August 22, 2012
Thanks for participating! And, hey, if you make it in time, and email your comments to [email protected], you never know...
Michael H. August 22, 2012
susan g,

EmilyC is correct. We take the buttons down 24 hours before the deadline for the headnotes. We do this to ensure that testers have adequate time to cook the recipe and compose their thoughts. Sorry for confusion!
AntoniaJames August 24, 2012
Michael, when do you post the results, as in when will the two finalists for this contest be announced? (I'm a bit baffled still by the schedule for contests. I think the FAQs must be out of date, too, because they currently make no sense.) Thanks so much! ;o)
Michael H. August 24, 2012
AntoniaJames, I'm told the finalists will go up on Thursday at noon.
susan G. August 22, 2012
I can't find the 'test this recipe' button! I went to the page, searched every inch of it and found nothing -- either with IE or Foxfire, and I'm signed in and wine-free...
I'd like to test Pleonasmic Edamame Tofu -- can you either sign me up or help me find the button?
EmilyC August 22, 2012
susan g -- I'm guessing they deactivated the "test this recipe" button on all recipes even though the deadline for testing notes isn't until today @ 5 pm. I don't see the button either, on any of the recipes. It looks like the slide shows for the two finalists are already up, though not working yet.