
Community Picks Recipe Testing -- Beer

December 28, 2012

It's that time again -- help us pick the contest finalists for Your Best Beer


Any Food52 member is welcome to help us test our Community Pick candidates, so go call dibs on the recipe you'd like to test that is in the list below! We'd love to see some new testers in the mix -- remember, we're accepting up to 3 testers per recipe. And, if the recipe is worthy of a Community Pick, we'll publish the best headnote, so make your notes count! Don't forget to email us your headnote (no more than 100 words) to [email protected] by next Wednesday at 5pm (EST). 

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When you’ve figured out which recipes are calling your name, in order to sign up, all you have to do is follow the link to that recipe’s page, and on the left-hand side, you’ll see a “Test This Recipe” button. Your job is easy: just click the button, and you’ll receive a confirmation email that officially crowns you a Food52 community tester. If for some reason you decide you cannot test, simply press the button again, and your name will be removed from the list. 

We'll collect your comments, name the finalists and official Community Picks and publish the best headnote for each Community Pick (with credit, of course!). If the recipe you test isn't chosen as a Community Pick, please feel free to leave your testing notes in the recipe's comments section. Constructive criticism is always encouraged!

Happy Testing!


See what other Food52 readers are saying.

  • pdagnes1
  • pierino
  • cookinginvictoria
  • Kristen Miglore
    Kristen Miglore
Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.


pdagnes1 January 3, 2013
I have been having a similar issue as sdebrango - I don't even have a "test" button to click on!
Kristen M. January 3, 2013
Hi Pilar, this is because the testing period has passed (notes were due yesterday at 5pm ET). Hopefully you can test a recipe in our next contest! The dibs-calling post for Your Best Leeks will go up next Friday morning (1/11).
pierino December 29, 2012
Wow, I see a couple of recipes I would like to test and may yet volunteer. I work through the weekend including New Year's Eve so I would have to test on Jan to meet deadline. I may still be able to pull that off. At least I'll try.
cookinginvictoria December 28, 2012
It looks like MrsL's Chocolate Stout Pudding already has been awarded CP status. Should it be tested again?
Kristen M. December 28, 2012
Yes, we sometimes nominate CPs again so they have a shot at becoming finalists!