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February 1, 2019
We eat popcorn quite a bit. I use an electric popcorn popper which pops all but 2 or 3 kernels. I also dump mine in a bowl a third at a time and then I add a little melted butter, white truffle salt and ground pepper. Keep doing that until it's all in the bowl and mix with a spatula. Best popcorn ever!!!
August 22, 2017
I wanted to try it out using no oil- I used all of your preparations **reducing the heat to medium** with only 2 tablespoons of butter to 1/4 cup of corn kernels and it worked like a charm! Seriously delicious and all the kernels popped :)
Carole H.
July 19, 2016
Making Theatre popcorn at home is the best choice you can do, its cheaper and more healthy, I prefer using hot air popcorn popper, it produces tasty and healthy popcorn for your kids and family, it utilizes hot air to pop kernels, and you will get healthy snack with low calorie content, its cheap and it cooks quickly, you can check for more features about hot air popper here http://www.popcornpopperpros.com
Nicki L.
July 22, 2014
Love popcorn on the stove! I find the le creuset pot is so nice and thick its really hard to burn the popcorn and heat distributes evenly. No need to even shake too much. We use avocado oil. Like coconut oil it can take the high heat but doesn't influence the flavor too much. And yes yes! to the Amish kernels! Yummy. Time for a movie!!!!!
February 26, 2014
I used to pop corn this way, but it's too much hassle. Now I just put all the oil and corn in at once and put it on medium-high heat. When it starts to pop, I shake it every once in a while until it's done. Perfect every time. I really don't understand why people promote the 3-kernel method... I think it's an urban legend.
Colette B.
September 12, 2020
I concur. Just blackened 2 pots with this 3-kernel method. Never had this happen when I just dumped everything in at once. Horrible. Back to scrubbing now.
Lauren T.
February 3, 2014
Not quite the healthy alternative but my grandmother used to pop corn with her saved bacon grease. This was so tasty already but it was just the base for something much more decadent... She poured homemade hot caramel over sheets of popcorn, we buttered our hands and formed the sticky treats known as popcorn balls. But I agree, coconut oil is wonderful for everyday snacking. I add, pepper or rosemary or lemon zest. A friend dresses up her popcorn with spraying evoo and a sprinkling cardamom sugar over the top.
February 2, 2014
I use peanut oil to pop - much less than you do. I finish with EVOO and dust truffle salt on it. But hey, any pop corn popped on the stove that is fluffy and flavorful - I will happily eat!
February 2, 2014
I love homemade pp. I though use coconut oil for my fat. And I only need 1TB. per 1/3 C pp.
I think I will try this method with the 30 second trick.
But I also use EVOO inlieu of butter. Then kosher salt, fresh ground pepper and a pinch of cayenne. We love love it that way.
I think I will try this method with the 30 second trick.
But I also use EVOO inlieu of butter. Then kosher salt, fresh ground pepper and a pinch of cayenne. We love love it that way.
January 25, 2014
I have never owned a microwave and have always made my popcorn on the stove. Instead of a neutral oil, I use olive oil and often eliminate the butter. To the commenter that mentioned the truffle oil-that is a fantastic variation! Make that and you will eat the entire batch in one sitting.
December 22, 2013
I quit using a micro-wave years ago! Popcorn is so much better when NOT using a micro-wave. I purchased the 52 popcorn popper! Will do a review when I use it the first time! *I also, only use Himalayan Crystal salt...no ordinary table salt in my house!
October 3, 2013
Stovetop popcorn is wonderful if you want the indulgence of oil or butter, but for everyday snacking, I usually use the paper bag method. Put about 1/4 cup kernels in a regular brown paper lunch bag, fold the bag over twice at the top, place it folded-side-down in the microwave, and microwave for about 2.5 min on high (varies by microwave; you can listen for it to finish popping). It might take a bit of trial and error, but once you get a sense for the popping time, it's fantastic. Makes one generous serving, ready to be topped with whatever strikes your fancy.
October 3, 2013
We have come to love the tiny kernels we order online from Amish Country Popcorn in Indiana: http://www.amishcountrypopcorn.com/popcorn.html
Their popcorn tastes like corn, comes in red and purple as well as white and yellow, and they offer hulless varieties, as well. The diminutive white lady finger popcorn is a family fave in our house.
Their popcorn tastes like corn, comes in red and purple as well as white and yellow, and they offer hulless varieties, as well. The diminutive white lady finger popcorn is a family fave in our house.
Rachel W.
October 3, 2013
Try using a Whirly Pop popper on the stove. it is lighter, easier to use and less clean-up. You can have popped popcorn in less than three minutes!
October 3, 2013
I notice that when I poor hot liquid onto popcorn (or really any liquid), the popcorn it immediately hits just soaks it up and doesn't leave much for the rest. I've had better luck pouring the liquid into the bowl first and swirling it around to coat the bottom and sides. Then I put the popcorn in and toss. This gives me better coverage on my popcorn.
Nancy M.
October 3, 2013
I want to understand how you could shake a Le Creuset dutch oven with the lid ajar. I have several and they are way too heavy for this maneuver. Anyway, instead, put some oil in an ordinary pot, lay a piece of foil over the top, set the heat at medium/high, add a few kernels and wait for them to pop. When they pop add the rest, crimp the foil tightly around the top of the pot and stab about a dozen slits in the foil with a sharp knife. You don't need to shake the pot because the act of popping moves the kernels around so they don't burn. When the popping slows down remove the pot from the heat and wait a few seconds to be sure the popping is done. Take the foil off and dump the popcorn into a bowl. Add butter and salt. Perfection.
October 3, 2013
Use white truffle oil in place of both the neutral oil and the butter. Your toes will curl, I promise.
October 3, 2013
Thanks for the tips! We often by the microwaveable popcorn out of sheer laziness but it never tastes as good as the fresh stuff!
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