
Winner of Your Most Impressive Dinner Party Side

October 30, 2013

The results are in -- we have a winner for the Your Most Impressive Dinner Party Side contest, brought to you by Electrolux!

Congratulations to pigisyummy, whose Cavolfiore Palma a la Leah (Pan-Roasted Cauliflower) won the contest for Your Most Impressive Dinner Party Side. This recipe will be featured in a live-stream cook-off -- head here to mark your calendars and watch it all happen! 

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Describe an early food experience that has influenced the way you think about food and/or cooking.
I've always been an eater. Even as a kid I loved things that most kids didn't like, such as lima beans and Brussels sprouts, and I enjoyed being in the kitchen with my parents as they cooked. The food experience that really stands out in my mind was when my family took a trip to Italy when I was 14. I was just blown away by how delicious everything was. The zuppe di pane or tagliatelle ai funghi I had in the tiniest, hole-in-the-wall restaurants were just the best things I had ever tasted. That's when it really occurred to me that you didn't need a fancy setting or a lot of money to eat amazing food. I realized that it's all about the ingredients and the passion of the person making the food. That's what I always have in mind when I cook.

What's your least favorite kitchen task?
It's a tie between washing greens and cleaning up.

Your favorite kitchen tool?
Obviously a good sharp knife is indispensable, but since I'll take any good knife and I'm not particularly attached to MY knife, I guess I'll have to go with my mortar and pestle.

What is your idea of comfort food?
Usually anything that I'm craving at that moment is a comfort food to me. Comfort foods are never ever cold though, unless we're talking ice cream on top of warm pie. Staples are my mother's baked ziti (or lasagna) with meatballs and sauce, a good bacon cheeseburger, anything with melted cheese (except pizza), and good chinese takeout.

What is your greatest kitchen disaster?
Luckily my biggest kitchen mistakes have never been when cooking for a crowd, so I don't know if I'd qualify them as disasters. That's like dropping-the-whole-turkey-on-Thanksgiving level. But the most recent that comes to mind is when I was making double baked potatoes as part of my husband's favorite meal that he only gets on special occasions. For some reason I decided to purée the baked potato meat in my food processor rather than doing it by hand and the whole batch turned into a gluey paste. Lacking a reserve of potatoes, I had no choice but to stuff the baked skins with the potato glue. During the second bake, the insides just liquified out of the skins and pooled all over the baking tray. For my husband, it was a total disaster.

See what other Food52 readers are saying.

  • pigisyummy
  • foxeslovelemons
  • inpatskitchen
  • gingerroot
  • sexyLAMBCHOPx
Food52 (we cook 52 weeks a year, get it?) is a food and home brand, here to help you eat thoughtfully and live joyfully.


pigisyummy October 31, 2013
wow, I don't even know what to say. thank you so much for all your votes!
foxeslovelemons October 30, 2013
Congrats on your well-deserved win! And I laughed out loud at the potato glue incident :)
inpatskitchen October 30, 2013
Congrats on your win! Love this recipe!
gingerroot October 30, 2013
Congratulations! I enjoyed reading your Q & A and am with you on the washing greens. Looking forward to the cook off.
sexyLAMBCHOPx October 30, 2013
Wow! Congrats!
I made your recipe and it was wonderful!
dymnyno October 30, 2013
Actually , I am a little confused...doesn't "cook off" imply that more than one recipe is going to be cooked?
Kenzi W. October 30, 2013
This dish will be cooked by three different cooks, on three different cooktops!
dymnyno October 30, 2013
What fun! Who are the other two cooks?
Kenzi W. October 31, 2013
Here's all the info!
Greenstuff October 31, 2013
It will be interesting to hear how the different cooktops fare--I made this dish in the oven! Turned out great.
dymnyno October 31, 2013
Who are those cooks...never heard of them! The recipe creator doesn't get to be in on the fun?
Kenzi W. October 31, 2013
They're all Food52-ers! Jennie Perrillo has a famous ricotta recipe up on the site and has contributed quite a bit, and Camille writes Beyond the Basics for us. And Electrolux is giving the recipe creator a brand new cooktop!
Lizthechef October 30, 2013
Congratulations - !
Panfusine October 30, 2013
Congratulations on the win! looking forward to seeing the recipe on the cook off!
ChefJune October 30, 2013
Congratulations on the win. Your recipe will be enjoyed in our kitchen very soon.
dymnyno October 30, 2013
Congratulations! Both recipes were wonderful and I am going to make yours soon. I love the picture! What was the occasion?
Chris H. October 30, 2013
Congratulations! I can't wait to try this.