Clarified Butter for Hollandaise?

So here's a nerd, food science question: when you make Hollandaise, do you use regular unsalted butter (I do per Joy of Cooking) or clarified? What would the difference be? Why? Thanks, all!

  • Posted by: marynn
  • December 9, 2011


marynn December 10, 2011
Thank you, Chefbaltz, for my micro lesson! It makes sense. The next time I plan to indulge, I am going to try clarified to taste for and learn the intended flavor. CaliforniaRenata, let's have a taste test!

Irma Rombauer (1976 ed.), still love ya!
Chefbaltz December 10, 2011
you can use either. as a mother sauce, it's made with clarified butter so that the milk solids are removed. you will have a nuttier (and authentic) flavor by clarifying it. but i have to say, i really enjoy using just melted butter as well sometimes for a different, less nutty, flavor.
CaliforniaRenata December 9, 2011
I use regular, the milk solids help give the hollandaise more body.
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