I saw a recipe for "Morrocan Merguez (something, something) with poached eggs. I can't seem to locate it again. Help please.

Evie Safran


Summer O. December 13, 2011
Just copy and paste that link in to your web browser. Or type 'merguez' in to the seach box.
sdebrango December 13, 2011
I believe that means it was recipe #534 you can copy and paste the link into your browser or if you go to recipes type in Moroccan Merguez and it will come up I just did it. Good luck its delicious!!
Evie S. December 13, 2011
Summer of Eggplant: Thank you for the full name of this recipe, but I still can't find it on the website. What does "534" stand for? (I am very new to this site)! Thank you for your help. Evie
Summer O. December 13, 2011
http://www.food52.com/recipes/534_moroccan_merguez_ragout_with_poached_eggs My absolute favorite thing on this website
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