Here is photo #2 of another herb which I don't know. I suspect its oregano but....

Kitchen Butterfly
Question image


Kitchen B. August 31, 2010
Yayyyyyyyyyy Thanks. Now I have dried majoram blossoms.....but I'm glad anway. Thansk everyone
thirschfeld August 30, 2010
Oregano, marjoram and mint are all in the same family so some times varieties can look similar
thirschfeld August 30, 2010
That should say "these are" and if I can upload a photo I have exactly the same thing in my garden
thirschfeld August 30, 2010
This marjoram blooms, the leaves look like oregano and some people sell it as Italian oregano.
Kitchen B. August 28, 2010
Thanks Mrs Larkin - its late today, will take photos of the leaves and post tomorrow
mrslarkin August 28, 2010
My oregano flowers just like that. KB, take pictures of the leaves if you can.
Lizthechef August 28, 2010
3 kinds of thyme in my garden now - nothing looks like this "stacking" of green, even in flower. Ask Mrs Wheelbarrow -
ImmaEatThat August 27, 2010
Could be flowering thyme.
drbabs August 26, 2010
Here's what oregano looks like.
Lizthechef August 26, 2010
I definitely don't think it looks like the fresh oregano in my garden, but have no idea what it is...
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