Can someone recommend a CSA farm share, grocery-delivery service, and milk-delivery service in Seattle?

My family is moving there next month, and I'd appreciate any recommendations. Thanks!

  • Posted by: mwb
  • January 3, 2012


Ophelia January 3, 2012 does grocery delivery as well and organic produce boxes. It always seems pretty expensive to me though.
Do check to see if your neighborhood has a farmer's market. West Seattle, the U-district and Ballard are open year-round, most of the rest open in May.
Smith Brothers Farms offers home milk delivery for free if your order is over $10. I've never used the service, but one of my favorite cafes does. I tend to pick up my dairy on my way home from work.
Oh, and I like Full Circle Farms as a CSA, but if you go to one of the farmers markets a lot of the same farms will be there and you can talk to them about their programs.
SKK January 3, 2012
Just for clarity, there are 30 people in the Seattle area that we know about and I am sure there are many more. We just sent emails asking people of they wanted to connect. And we claim boulangere, even though she is in Montana!
mwb January 3, 2012
Many thanks!
SKK January 3, 2012
You are most welcome, mwb! Any other questions about Seattle, let me know.
SKK January 3, 2012
Just to be sure we are mentioned, there are about 30 of us known Food52ers in Seattle area and we have had 3 gatherings, inluding Amanda and Merrill coming for the book launch. We also connect with HardLikeArmour and the Portland gang, and Vancouver Island.

MBW, welcome to our part of the world. Regarding CSA's, here is a list My favorites are New Roots, Oxbow and Full Circle Farms.

We have a wonderful organic grocery coop with far better prices than Whole Foods PCC Natural Markets that has been around for over 60 years

Regarding grocery delivery, QFC delivers as well as Amazon. Dont' know about milk.

There is so much wonderful, fresh, organic food around here shopping is a joy.

We have a year round Farmer's Market on Sundays - Ballard Farmer's Market which is incredible.

You will enjoy it here!
nutcakes January 3, 2012
Maybe you can find a local board, since only a small part of the people here are in that area. This is useful:
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