What to buy and eat when fridge died

While waiting for delivery of a replacement fridge, a using standard emergency supplies - dried milk, canned beans veg and fruit, hard cheeese, whole veg and fruit. Do you have other safe and goid-tasting suggestions?

  • Posted by: Nancy
  • July 19, 2024


Alison B. August 3, 2024
Using emergency supplies like dried milk, canned beans, veggies, fruit, hard cheese, and whole produce is great! You could also add nut butters, canned fish, crackers, jerky, and instant noodles for variety. For a refreshing treat, try ordering from Sonic. They have fantastic Sonic Drink Combinations that can enhance your meals. Check out the Sonic Menu with Prices to find your favorite drink mix.
Alison B. August 3, 2024
Check the Sonic Drinks Menu by visiting:
Emmie July 21, 2024
A recipe suggestion: these coconut pumpkin curry chickpeas (https://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/1020463-coconut-curry-chickpeas-with-pumpkin-and-lime) uses mostly shelf-stable goods (plus chili peppers/cilantro, but can be subbed/omitted). I love making these when camping!
Nancy July 21, 2024
Emmie - this sounds tasty, and thanks!
Nancy July 22, 2024
P.S. this is a good main dish recipe you might want to add to Nicole Davis recent article and/or hotline thread about favorite food to cook while camping (July 3 “Beyond S’mores” article or June 15 post about camping cooking).
Alison B. August 3, 2024
You have shared a great recipe. But Drink is must with your recipe. I always prefer Sonic Drinks to take with meals. Check the Sonic Drinks [Sonic Drinks Menu](https://sonicmenuspot.com/menu/sonic-drinks-menu-2024/)
Gammy July 20, 2024
Do you have a cooler? Are you close enough to a store that you could shop every other day and/or get a bag of ice? If so, you could visit their salad bar or get a bag of lettuces with dressings and eat the entire thing for dinner. Some salami can also be held at room temperature even when opened. Visit an outdoor/camping gear store. They carry many freeze dried meals that only need some water and heat to be palatable. Not necessarily the healthiest, though, but for a couple days, maybe OK..
Nancy July 21, 2024
Gammy, thanks.
No cooler but it’s a good idea for futures… not only for the fridge going , but for a couple recent short-term power outages
Gammy July 23, 2024
I realize not everyone can do this, but when we had to have a part ordered for our fridge and it was going to take 3 weeks to get and reschedule a repairman, we went to a big box store and bought a dorm-size fridge. It kept enough of the necessities cold (sometimes TOO cold), but we made it through without the main fridge just fine.
Nancy July 23, 2024
Gammy - another good fix to bridge the gap. And have some extra fridge space after the main one is fixed.
Whiteantlers July 20, 2024
What is it you're looking for? From what you've listed, it sounds like you are well stocked with groceries.

Is it going to take weeks or months for your new appliance to be delivered? If not, you seem to be set as far as variety and selection go. Keep your meal simple. You'll be fine.
Nancy July 21, 2024
Thanks, Whitesntlers, for the reassurance.
Total duratiion between one fridge dying and new one coming is a just over a week, but I felt off balance and wondered if there were good options I was missing.
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