What are goji berries

a Whole Foods Market Customer


susan G. January 14, 2012
For food use, anywhere you would use raisins or dried cranberries, goji berries work. Granola, oatmeal, cookies, salads -- the red color is a plus. You won't have health benefits from an occasional pinch. I you want to learn more about that, search. You can even find scientific studies listed on Medline (US-NIH data base). It grows in Tibet, parts of China, etc., and there are stories/legends that are lovely.
Rynne January 13, 2012
Goji berries are a type of fruit, usually found in dried form (almost like raisins, but they are red in color and taste much more tart). They are slightly sweet, yet tart.

According to various research, goji berries have numerous health benefits. Some people eat goji berries to treat problems like diabetes and high blood pressure. It is also thought that goji berries are high in antioxidants and vitamin A.

Here's an easy "chocolate bark" recipe I did while back that uses goji berries. They complement the chocolate well as well as some pizzazz and elegance.

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