I have a refrigerator in the garage. In winter I think the freezer doesn't work. Any way to get around this?

I don't know about the refrigerator part either! Today the temperature outside is around zero, and I'm trying to use up what's out there. We've gotten used to the additional storage space, though. Any help for it?

susan g
  • Posted by: susan g
  • January 15, 2012


Louisa January 16, 2012
I have a refrigerator/freezer in the garage also,and when the outside temp is extremely cold or hot the fridge will shut down. I unplug it and plug it back in and it starts up again. I was told it's because newer refrigerators have a different coolant than the old models had, and for a garage you should have either a freezer or a refrigerator, but not a combo unit. I have more trouble with it in the summer.
jmburns January 15, 2012
Extreme temps can have a detrimental effect the performance of appliances in outdoor locations. Here in Texas we have problems in the extreme heat of the summer.
mrslarkin January 15, 2012
It's got to do with your compressor not kicking on because it's not sensing a rise in temperature, like it normally does in your warm kitchen. This was helpful: http://applianceparts.wordpress.com/2009/01/12/why-won%E2%80%99t-the-freezer-in-my-garage-refrigerator-freeze/

Good luck!
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