pistachio oil -- any cake recipes or dessert recipes?

Has anyone substituted pistachio oil for olive oil in a recipe for an olive oil cake ( will this choice be too strongly flavored?); does anyone have a recipe for a cake or other sweet which employs pistachio oil. I am not asking about pistachios generally, just about uses for the oil outside of dressing salads and vegetables or garnishing meats and fish



porchapples January 17, 2012
fascinating resources thx!!
JaneEYB January 17, 2012
There are 57 recipoes indexed on EYB with pistachio oil http://bit.ly/we5bbb If you just want to see the sweet recipes, click Desserts in Filter by courses on the right. Momofuku Milk Bar has a Pistachio cake and a Pistachio layer cake with the oil.
DessertByCandy January 17, 2012
I remember reading in Dan Lepard's Short & Sweet that you can replace butter with nut oil when making caramel candies for an unusual twist. 100g of pistachio oil is a bit extravgant for a recipe but it seems like it would be quite fantastic for pistachio lovers! (I would suggest replace butter with pistachio oil, pecan halves with pistachio nuts). Here is a link to his caramel recipe: http://www.guardian.co.uk/lifeandstyle/2010/dec/04/edible-homemade-gifts-recipes-lepard?INTCMP=SRCH

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Coactionpr January 17, 2012
I haven't used it for baking, but we have a great appetizer using pistachio oil. Basically, it's just crostini with avocado (thin sliced), pistachios, pistachio oil and sea salt. Delicious!
Nozlee S. January 17, 2012
You might check out Christina Tosi's Momofuku Milk Bar cookbook (which is also a contender in this year's Piglet Tournament of Cookbooks)! She has recipes for pistachio cake that I believe call for the oil. Another route to check out would be middle eastern pastries and cakes...
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