Any ideas for a dessert for a To the Lighthouse ( Virginia Woolf) reading group dinner party?

It has to be something that can be made in less than 6 hours...

  • Posted by: lloreen
  • February 10, 2012


mainecook61 February 11, 2012
LeBec F. February 11, 2012
If i remember correctly, the heroine drowns herself (as did VW) so maybe serve a dessert that is part of a meal that would be the last dessert you'd want to make sure and have if you knew it was to be your last. That would be different for everyone, but since it is your designation, make your very favorite dessert.
Greenstuff February 11, 2012
No drowning in this one, though Mrs. Ramsey, who was so proud of here boeuf en daube, does die. But I do think you're on the right track, what you want is a dessert that you can serve and be able to look at your guests, thinking how much they are enjoying both the food and the company. Something that will get you feeling that it's your favorite contribution and also will make your guests think that dinner is "a triumph!"
Greenstuff February 11, 2012
I do hope you're doing the boeuf en daube? Madeleines (keeps that French theme of the boeuf en daube going and also resonates with the remembrances of the last section of the book, also reminding us of Proust's influence on Virginia Woolf). And mandarin oranges. They echo the orange flavoring from the daube, while being a nice, light counterbalance to a heavy stew. I love that book. Have a wonderful time.
amysarah February 10, 2012
Maybe shortbread, since it takes place in Scotland? You could do some berries and cream as well - not really in season now, but that would fit with the book's summer house setting, and is very traditional British.
gary12401 February 10, 2012
Apple turnovers using puff pasty and ice cream.
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