Good, simple, panini recipes?

  • Posted by: Bek
  • February 18, 2012


angiegeyser February 19, 2012
Provolone, tomato, and fresh basil
allans February 18, 2012
My favorite is pesto coated, (generously), boneless, skinless chicken breast grilled. Slice in half so they're thin. Add mayo, fresh basil leaves and provolone or muenster cheese.
Use a country Italian bread or French Baguette

GIOVANNI50 February 19, 2012
Allans, YUM. Miracle whip also instead of pesto doesn't taste bad either. Pesto with some crushed pinoli for the crunch...MMMMmmm.
bigpan February 18, 2012
Google for a "cuban" sandwich with pork, pickle, mayo. They are addictive. I think keep to three ingredients with one being something unexpected - like roasted beet with chicken or roast turkey with cucumber.
Sam1148 February 18, 2012
These are great.

Although, the bread is the key there. I think you really must have 'cuban bread'. Larger cities will have those.
However in the south, Publix supermarket (at least mine) will carry that daily.
Cuban bread goes stale very quickly and should be purchased the day of use.
If Submitter has a publix supermarket, look and if they carry it as 'stock item'...if not, request it and they'll make it for you the next day. My publix used to do that for me, however, they now stock it baked daily.
And if you live in'll find much better cuban bread from local 'mom/pop' places. Especially in the Tampa/St. Pete area.
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