Recipes for preparing Spaghetti Squash

I would like a simple and tasty way to prepare Spaghetti Squash.

Cam Tucker


palletdancer February 28, 2012
Treat it like pasta and a lovely marinara and parmigiano-reggiano is all you need. Love just butter and salt too! Mmmm
Darcyyann February 28, 2012
Roasting it and then baking the squash strands as if it was baked ziti. Sausage, peppers, onions, tomato sauce, mozzarella.. Anything you would like to add to it!
Sam1148 February 28, 2012
I like with just butter or olive oil and a bit of grated hard cheese.
I think steaming or microwaving is better---because I burned my last one and it'll be a few months before I stop associating that burned taste with Spaghetti Squash.
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