Oatmeal Raisin Cookies!

What is your favorite super chewy oatmeal raisin cookie recipe?

Miranda Rake


susanm March 13, 2012
totally agree with the recipe on the quaker lid! i add a bit of nutmeg and substitute half the raisins with chopped pecans.they are my FAV!
HinOh March 13, 2012
I love the recipe on the Quaker Oatmeal lid. I use the baking raisins, which are super moist and plump and have a little bit of liquid in the pouch. That seems to make a huge difference; the cookies are chewy and soft.
SallyBroff March 13, 2012
I find that if I substitute oil for butter the recipe becomes cakey, not chewy. But it's really good.
ChefJune March 12, 2012
Here are my favorites. I've already posted them here on food52! http://www.food52.com/recipes/4888_oatmeal_cookies_with_rumsoaked_raisins

Voted the Best Reply!

tinarina March 12, 2012
In a similar vein, I love the recipe on the Quaker Oats box (the lid, actually) called Vanishing Oatmeal Cookies...
klfnwf March 12, 2012
If you use any recipe and swap oil for butter the cookies will be chewy vs. crispy
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