How to cook Nilgai?

How do I cook this stuff? A fabulous friend of mine gave me an entire shoulder of Nilgai (the cutting-up process is another story). For those of you unaware, Nilgai is a type of antelope. So, it's very lean, very clean, 100% organic protein. A meat-eater's nirvana, and I do not want to ruin it. Google produces everything from "cook the heck out of it" to "soak it in milk to kill the taste" to "eat it almost-raw rare". I'm looking for some thing COOL. Any ideas? I have Nilgai steaks, Nilgai medallions, stew meat, and strips. Based on the recipes I see being posted and saved, my guess is that some of the best cooks on the net are on this site, and I just KNOW someone out there has a fabulous answer for me - so I can invite my generous friend and his lovely wife over for a Nilgai feast! Help!


gourmettenyc March 16, 2012
@RadioGastronomy told us about a Frontier Beer Stew they made with Pumpkin, Poblano, Purple Corn, & Antelope Dumplings. You can find the recipe here: Let us know how you decide to prepare it!
[email protected] March 16, 2012
Thanks - I will look up those terms and see what I can come up with. Yes, all the meat is from the shoulder so I am expecting some tenderizing will be needed. No bones; they were too huge to pot so the coyotes got them. And just for the record, my friends are from Scottsdale, AZ, as am I.
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