I made grilled vegetable stacks as an appetizer but they came out TINY..any suggestions for how to spruce out the plate and make it look bett

Rochel Leah
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ATG117 March 17, 2012
Maybe add some fresh mozzarella slices, which looks like it would add a nice contrast of color, roasted pepper and some basil for the same reason (though it's hard to see the picture. I would suggest then floating them in something like polenta or making a puddle of pesto on a white plate. Looks like that might liven them up.
Sadassa_Ulna March 17, 2012
You could cut the vegetables on the diagonal so you end up with longer ovals instead of circles maybe?
Author Comment
I've enjoyed making veggie "napoleons" with layers of polenta cake and wrapped with leaves of blanched, shocked and squeezed chard. Perhaps some saba or reduced balsamic as a drizzle around the stack would be beautiful on the plate too.
klfnwf March 16, 2012
Put some greens around
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