how to transport mozho balls

i'm in the middle of making mazho do i transport them...should they be in a separete container with no broth to prevent soggieness or in another container with no broth?? Help!!!!

monica murrietta


mbergner April 7, 2012
If you are also making the soup, transport them in a container together with a cup or two of the soup. If you are just making the matzo balls and they are of the "harder" type, just transport in a container together, If very light & fluffy do the same with a bigger container so they do not squash each other.
farm T. April 7, 2012
Keep them separate until ready to serve. Once you boil them in water (separate from the broth), just store them in a bowl. We usually have a big bowl of matzoh balls after we make the soup and they are great as a quick snack or used in reheated soup.
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