balsamic vinegar

of the many brands and prices, how do I pick the best balsamic to start experimenting with? My principal use will be in salads.



Beamer April 29, 2012
I've used Alessi in the past for marinades and it has worked fine; not too costly either
Kitsune April 29, 2012
I get my good stuff from . I have been to the store and did the tasting... have yet to find anything better.
beno510 April 29, 2012
Aim for a balsamic that doesn't have added sugar or artificial additives. Good ones will have an age on the bottle. 5 years or less will be fresher and sharper whereas 25 years or older are likely to require you to take out a second mortgage and probably only for the expert or the wealthy!
pierino April 29, 2012
Fini is a good brand (for commercial as opposed to artisinal balsamics). From Modena in Italy.

You might also do a comparison with good quality, aged Spanish sherry vinaigrette. Often a better value with better flavor.
Maedl April 29, 2012
Cook's Illustrated often tests products and publishes the results. The magazine--or website if you have a digital subscription--is always a good place to start.
drbabs April 29, 2012
Is there a shop near you that does tastings? I spent a fun afternoon recently trying different vinegars in a local specialty store.
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