Sprayer for Balsamic Vinegar - Any Recommendations?

Can anyone recommend a sprayer that works with balsamic vinegar? We used them on a recent trip to Italy and really liked them. I have found many bottles recommended for olive oil but not balsamic vinegar which may clog some bottles. I would like an empty bottle rather than one that comes with vinegar which is what we used in Italy. If you can recommend one you have used that works, I'd appreciate it!

  • Posted by: Dkaval
  • July 25, 2023


Nancy July 26, 2023
It’s, the potential clogging is a problem.
To get the convenience and economy of using balsamic vinegar in spray form, it may be worthwhile to strain the vinegar before decanting it into an empty spray bottle.
Suppliers of kitchenware for homes (Williams Sonoma, Amazon) have the empty spray bottles.
Also, check out restaurant supply stores.
Nicole D. July 28, 2023
Great tip re: straining beforehand, Nancy, thank you!
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