Graduation Party

I am in the process of planning a graduation party. I would like to have finger foods or appetizers. Anyone have a sample menu or suggestions?

Beth O
  • Posted by: Beth O
  • May 16, 2012


WannabeBaker May 18, 2012
Actually, I'm going to suggest popcorn! I made this for a baby shower and it was a big hit. It sounds a bit weird, but trust me, it's really good.
I made this the night before my party, covered it and it worked fine.

I'd say dips are a must. Guacamole, hummus, maybe some kind of a cream cheese dip. Cold ones are great because you can make them ahead of time (well, not the guac, but most of the others). Plus they generally do at room temp.

Really, my biggest tip would just be to try and pick recipes that can be made ahead of time. It makes the day of so much easier. Also, if people
Benny May 17, 2012
HAHA! that is funny.

Beth, any additional info about your party? how many people? indoor or outdoor party? Age range of guests?
TheFritschKitchen May 17, 2012
So sorry! I thought I was answering another hotline question... my bad. Although, maybe kettle corn could be good for a graduation party??? Sorry again!
TheFritschKitchen May 17, 2012
If you pop your own popcorn, here is the recipe I use. It's 3 ingredients, fast and easy.

Heat 3 Tbsp. Canola Oil in a large heavy bottom pan. Heat until just below the smoke point (or you can thrown in a kernel or two and wait till they pop. When they do, it's ready to go).

Add 1/2 c. popcorn kernels and then sprinkle 4 Tbsp. of sugar over top (I have made with both regular and brown sugar. Both are very good). Put lid on pot and let sit a few seconds until popcorn kernels begin to pop. Shake the pan over the heat. The idea is that once the pop corn starts popping, you don't want to let it sit and let the popcorn burn. Keep shaking pot over the heat until there are a few seconds between pops. Immediately remove from heat and pour popcorn into bowl.

Finish with some kosher salt and enjoy!!
Author Comment
We just had an open house for our son's graduation. We went with a fiesta theme and had a variety of chips, salsas, guacamole, black bean dip, buffalo chicken dip and jalapeno popper dip. Taquitos, quesadillas, a fiesta chicken/rice salad, a chipotle lentil/rice salad, hummus and veggie sticks, shrimp and veggie skewers and fruit skewers. We did bite sized desserts - cupcakes, lemon bars & even krispy rice treats. If I were to do it again I'd skip the salads because the finger foods and desserts were much easier for everyone to grab and go.
ChefJune May 17, 2012
What a great theme party. Sounds like one everyone will remember fondly.
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