What is a good kind of cheese?

a Whole Foods Market Customer


amysarah July 4, 2012
I'll second susan g's suggestion that your personal preference is what matters.

I'd start by visiting to good cheese shop if you have one nearby - most will give tastes, and a really good one will know a lot about the cheeses they sell. Tell them how you'll eat the cheese (alone, on a sandwich, for cooking...) and your preferences - mild, sharp, smelly, creamy, hard, salty, etc. - and start tasting! Not only informative, but a lot of fun.
pierino July 4, 2012
Myself, I'll go with a washed rind epoisses. When you cut into it it should be stinky and runny and smell like the feet of God.
SKK July 4, 2012
I have never smelled the feet of God - nothing to compare the flavor to.
susan G. July 4, 2012
There are probably thousands of kinds of cheese. What is 'good' depends on what you want -- eating? cooking? sandwich? and your personal preference. If you want to learn about cheeses, buy the smallest amount you can of a range of cheeses, read articles and/or books, and make up your own mind.
Amanda H. July 4, 2012
There are many! Depends on what you're looking for. Give us more detail and we'll try to answer.
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