Do I have dinner here?

A neighbor gave me 4 huge tomatoes and a largish round summer squash, just trying to think of what to do with it. I can go to store too.



nutcakes August 14, 2012
All great ideas I will try the next donations here. I'm due for another round of zuch's and tomatoes from my Uncle and Aunt. The gratin was incredible and the Parmesan crust lovely. I used the 21 seasonings in the onions and lemon pepper on the tomatoes and zuch's. It was a bit over juicy due to the bursting tomatoes and I likely use a bit too much olive oil, but it melded together so well and the squash was still toothsome after 65 minutes of roasting. So glad I remembered this recipe from Fine Cooking.
JanetFL August 13, 2012
I would simply slice those tomatoes and sprinkle with salt & pepper; let that summery flavor shine through! I would grill (if anyone has been reading my posts you know that I am a grill nut during the summer!) the squash after brushing with olive oil and salt & pepper. Plain, fresh summer veggies!
pierino August 13, 2012
Possibly a Spanish style tortilla, for which you would also need eggs, potatoes and olive oil. Chop the tomatoes, slice the the potatoes, grate or dice the zucchini and blah, blah, blah...
susan G. August 13, 2012
Or just sniff the seasoning jars, and see if it/they fit(s).
bugbitten August 13, 2012
Go to the store, already! You're bound to get at least one good idea there, and maybe another on the way.
nutcakes August 13, 2012
My recipe that I"ve used before calls for 1/4 c fresh thyme (wow I just used a pinch or two of dried before), this house I'm in has NO HERBS, no dried ones. Just TJ's 21 seasoning salute and lemon pepper with a grater top, which is very nice. Is one of these good enough to skip a store run? I'm having trouble making decisions today.
susan G. August 13, 2012
I would make a simple squash pancake (eggs, a little flour, seasonings, grated squash) with the simplest dressing onsliced tomatoes, maybe with yogurt.
(Gratin sounds good!)
nutcakes August 13, 2012
I'm a little pasta'd out just now. I think I have decided on a gratin because I can make it now and not have to bother with it again unless we want it just warmed. Maybe a steak on the side if someone still has a hankering...
rkhanna August 13, 2012
You could whip up a fresh sauce with the tomatoes and squash and toss in some pasta. Would probably only need salt, pepper, garlic, optional herbs and some good olive oil.
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