Emergency kit cook-off

Not sure if people are aware of this yet, but it sounds great. A friend at the Red Cross sent me this contest which I thought would do well amongst the Food52 crowd. It's aim is to raise awareness of emergency preparation - which is all too familiar out West where everything seems to have been on fire all summer. Every community can probably relate to this in some way. Voting for the proposed ingredients allegedly starts the 17th. More information should be posted soon. Have at it folks! http://emergencykitcookoff.blogspot.com/p/cook-off-rules.html



Sam1148 August 16, 2012
I guess 'stuff that's melting in the freezer' wouldn't be a ingredient.

I wonder if specific brands are products would be allowed? Or would that be more product placements/specific.

In my campbag..I keep some 'uncle bens' 90second rice, which just needs hot water to heat up. The Spanish rice of that brand is amazingly good, the others are really MRE quality...and some items like powdered sour cream, and powdered eggs aren't really available at supermarkets.
JanetFL August 16, 2012
Wow! Based on my experience growing up in Florida with hurricanes, this IS a challenge! Should be interesting.....
Sam1148 August 16, 2012
We got stranded for one week in Fort Lauderdale after "Wilma" at a privately owned guest house.

After the 3rd day, I scored some canned crab and shrimp and mayo and cajun seasonings and crackers, and FEMA ice.
The SO turned some of the hamburger patties from their chest freezer into Chili on the grill and I made a seafood casserole.

The neighbors showed up, the sky was clear and thankfully the temp was in the 70's all week.

When the water came back on the SO rigged up Solar shower with the garden hose and tar paper and clear plastic from the storage room, (and there was much rejoicing).
It actually turned into a nice vacation extension as they had several cases of rum, vodka and fruit juice stored.

Even the local cops showed up in the mornings as we had coffee and snacks.
Sam1148 August 16, 2012
That sounds like a interesting challenge.
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