Prepped the fruit for dessert, but we're too full to make it tonight. Better to cook now and reheat later or seal up the prepped fruit and co

Allie S
  • Posted by: Allie S
  • October 15, 2012


AntoniaJames October 16, 2012
I echo SCP's response, but recommend that you pour off into your saucepan the liquid that was drawn out by the maceration, and reduce that first, over medium heat, to a very thick syrup, before adding the solid fruit. That way the fruit itself will be cooked less, and the end product will taste better. ;o)
Slow C. October 15, 2012
If you leave the fruit overnight it will begin to macerate (begin to break down and meld together--make sure you have added all ingredients, not just the chopped fruit). Cooking the ingredients produces some of the same results, but often macerating brings out nuances that simple heat doesn't achieve. I'd say leave it overnight, you might have to cook it a bit longer to get the consistency that you desire (because it will be more liquid tomorrow than it is tonight), but you are also likely to wind up with a compote that is a bit more rich and complex. (From a food safety standpoint there is no issue).
Allie S. October 15, 2012
Sorry - question got cut off! Better to make the compote tonight and reheat tmrw or store chopped fruit overnight and cook fresh tmrw?
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