How many cups are in a gallon?

Stephanie Bedilion


Emily K. March 31, 2021
Hi! Just reconfirming here at the top that there are 16 cups in 1 gallon. Here are some other similar liquid cooking conversions you might find useful:

4 cups = 1 quart (or 2 pints)
1 cup = ½ pint
½ cup = 8 tablespoons
⅛ cup = 2 tablespoons

Happy cooking!
jake May 6, 2019
there is 69,569 cup in a gallon
Cathy April 30, 2019
1 cup = 8 ounces so you are dealing with 8 ounces for your cup size

16 cups in a gallon therefore 16x8=128 ounces in a gallon
Only1Mia June 23, 2018
How big is the cup??? Seriously???
Roberts J. June 18, 2018
Lionzo B. June 12, 2018
There are 16 cups in a gallon.
Lionzo B. June 12, 2018
There are 16 cups in a gallon.
Im Y. May 17, 2018
16 cups
Emma April 26, 2018
Michigan J. March 3, 2018
Idk that’s why I searched it up we googled it cause we don’t know this stupid
Lionzo B. June 12, 2018
cat January 22, 2018
16 cups
boulangere November 2, 2012
There are 4 fluid cups to one quart. There are 4 fluid quarts to one gallon. 4 x 4 = 16.
jsdunbar November 2, 2012
That's a US gallon. In Canada we used to use quarts & gallons, in the same ratio, but with Imperial measure: 5 cups per quart, 4 quarts per gallon, so 20 cups per gallon. If you are using a Canadian or British recipe, this is your answer.

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sayatexplores November 1, 2012
1 gallon = 4 quarts = 16 cups = 196 tablespoons = 768 teaspoons
1 quart = 4 cups =
1 cup = 16 tablespoons
1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons
George H. October 27, 2017
If "1 tablespoon = 3 teaspoons", surely it isn't " 196 tablespoons = 768 teaspoons".
caninechef October 30, 2017
George you are of course correct. The cups and teaspoons listed above are correct but somehow the interim statement about tablespoons is wrong. 16 cups X 16 tablespoons/cup = 256, not 196.
Kenzi W. November 1, 2012
16 cups are in one gallon.
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