Best soda maker on the market?
It's that christmas-shopping time of year, and I'm looking to get my parents a soda maker to complement their sparkling water obsession. Can anyone recommend one brand or style of product over the others? (ie the siphon style versus the Soda Stream bottle+carbonator, any other brands or styles, etc) I'd be interested in hearing the pros and cons of each (time delay? cost of CO2 cartridges?) as well as if there are different capabilities. Thanks!
However, I have the isi siphon and it leaks A LOT each time I charge it. I haven't found others that have this problem though. I even fill it only 3/4 full (cold water). So if anyone has any tips for me I'd appreciate it!
It's been sitting on the counter top in a tiny kitchen for 3 years now....and used a few times a week. We have the penguin style and store the glass bottled in the 'fridge. One charged up with soda...the other just chilling (cold water holds more CO2). They really have a tiny footprint for taking up counter space. Don't bother with flavor additions--they aren't that good IMHO.
Bed Bath and Beyond will sell the charges...get another empty one so they have one filled at all times. Cheep with the 20 percent coupon they spam mail you. About 13 bucks with the exchange and coupon.
I don't know if they carry the penguin--but Williams Sonoma has those.
In the long run it's better than a siphon as those little cartridges are single use only.
The stream lasts us a couple of months using it everyday.
You can also mimic sparkling mineral water by adding a pinch of baking soda and a few grains of Epson salt to the water to give it a softer rounder taste.
If they are more adventurous culinary types however, I would go the isiWhip route with CO2 cartridges because it's much more versatile. You can carbonate sodas of course, but you can also even make bread really quickly by using the CO2 to leaven rather than yeast an then microwaving to cook. It's an Adria method. You can read specific instructions in the Voltaggio brothers' cookbook, VoltInk.